Thanks Laurie.  I am going to stop the Doxy.  It is just simply too much trauma 
for him.  His heart and lungs were checked out again last visit and aside from 
a grade 1 systolic murmur his heart is fine.  My 19 year old cat has one of 
those, I have one of those and they pose little threat.  He was fine after the 
neutering.  He is on no meds except the Doxycycline.  Bob was just upstairs 
listening to his heart and lungs with a stethascope and says his lungs are 
clear and he ate a bit.  He's just so weak though.  He walks a foot and lays 
down.  His sides are still heaving somewhat but he isn't breathing through his 
mouth at the moment.  He did have a bit of a fever when we saw the vet on 
Friday but as it is now he is cool to the touch, not like he was a few days 
ago.  If he's ok tomorrow, I will call Dr. Gill but other than the interferon 
that will be arriving next week, I am not going to put this cat through any 
more.  He just isn't up to it.  If all he does is sleep his life away I can 
deal with that.  I really don't think he's having a reaction to the Doxy, just 
the giving of it.  He can't stand being restrained or picked up.  He is very 
loveable on his terms and will lay beside me, but at a safe distance.  He just 
isn't used to people like Bob and I who are probably overbearing when it comes 
to giving attention and affection.

Thanks so much Laurie for your kind thoughts.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: laurieskatz 
  Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 8:58 PM
  Subject: Re: breathing issues

  Lynne, can you put him in the bathroom with a steamy shower. That is one way 
to help him breathe. We did this with our asthmatic cat when he had attacks 
(and before there were inhaled meds for feline asthma). I would discontinue the 
doxy if it were me and, if he is breathing normally, give him a few days to 
eat, etc. Is he eating? IF he is in respiratory distress, I would get him to 
the vet. It could be congestive heart failure which can be treated successfully 
sometimes. Please don't give up emotionally. Booboo will sense it. 

  I am trying to remember. Wasn't he fine when you first got him and after his 
neuter? Is he on any meds that could be causing this reaction? Was that one of 
the side effects in the doxy info I sent? I think we discontinued the doxy for 
one of our rescues because it was causing problems.

  thoughts and prayers with you,
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Lynne 
    Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 7:24 PM
    Subject: breathing issues

    We gave BooBoo his dose of Doxy tonight and the same thing happened.  He 
fought and now is gasping for air.  My husband is calling Dr. Gill tomorrow and 
we'll take him in.  If he is still like this tomorrow I fear we will have to 
make a decision.  He seems to be in respiratory distress.  This cat is so high 
strung.  My son and daughter in law were over tonight and they took turns going 
up to visit him.  He seems to be afraid of everyone and then starts breathing 
even heavier.  Honestly I did not notice this with him when we first got him.  
It has only been within the week that I've noticed his sides heaving more than 
they did.  I have this horrible feeling that he is going down hill quickly.  I 
so don't want him to suffer and be gasping to breath.  I just pray that 
tomorrow I wake up and he's better.


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