ah, you are right, of course--they are just used interchangeably so
often--even by vets--that i just compounded the error. oops.

if you go to the main site, www.felineleukemia.org, you'll find a link to
the archives, and there you will find us all immortalized in typescript!


On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 9:15 PM, Amy Weygandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just to clarify, my vet said Bartonella and Hemobart
> are not the same.  I did the same thing and said
> something about Hemobart and she corrected me that
> they are positive for bartonella, not hemobart.
> I thought this was just a mail list, not a message
> board so I'm not sure how to check the archives.  Are
> all these messages archived somewhere?
> Thanks
> Amy
> --- MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > check the archives, because it HAS been
> > discussed--hemobart is one of those
> > things that seems to really be regional. one of my
> > vets says that in the
> > past five years, a much higher than 50 percentage of
> > cats in this area are
> > testing positive. are the tests just done more
> > often? are they better tests?
> > or is it really more of a problem? she and i both
> > feel it's probably all of
> > the above....
> >
> > i expect that you'll find a whole lot more info on
> > the web now that when i
> > first encountered it in a non-FeLV cat back in 2000;
> > in fact, i think
> > they've just changed its name--research published
> > this week and noted in the
> > winn feline foundation rss feed.....
> >
> > if i forget to remember to send the link in the next
> > day or so, someone
> > please remind me!
> >
> > if anyone has access to medline or pubmed, and can
> > get us .pdf copies of
> > professional vet articles, there has been a lot of
> > really neat stuff that's
> > come out in the past months--not all of it
> > applicable to FeLV, tho some of
> > it is. i can get hard copies, but then i have to
> > scan them, etc--and since
> > it's a friend doing me the favor of using her
> > account, well, i can't very
> > well say, "um, change the format, please....."
> >
> > MC
> >
> > On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Amy Weygandt
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > I really haven't been very active on this group
> > over
> > > the past couple years so I'm not sure whether this
> > has
> > > been discussed or not.  I have a young child in my
> > > home and this year my vet recommended having my
> > leuk
> > > positive cats tested for Bartonella.  They are
> > seen
> > > every 6 months for full blood work ups.  I have 5
> > cats
> > > that have been here for several years and have
> > never
> > > had fleas in our home but tested anyways.  Three
> > have
> > > been tested so far and two came back positive and
> > are
> > > on medication for 21 days.  The other two are
> > being
> > > tested next week.
> > >
> > > Just wanted to mention this as my cats have always
> > > seemed healthy other than some mild gingivitis.
> > Even
> > > my one cat with perfect teeth and gums tested
> > > positive.  My vet said she just started testing
> > for
> > > this recently and they are seeing tons of positive
> > > cases, almost 50% of those being tested are
> > positive.
> > >
> > >
> > > Do any of you have vets that have recommended this
> > > testing?  My vet is a dear friend and would never
> > > recommend something just to make money.  She was
> > just
> > > concerned because of our child and cat scratch
> > fever.
> > > Wanted to make sure others are aware that this
> > disease
> > > seems to be fairly common now as many of us take
> > in
> > > rescues, strays, etc.  That's how I got all mine
> > and
> > > I'm guessing they have had this all along :(  I
> > feel
> > > bad I didn't test sooner.
> > >
> > > Amy
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> > Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> >
> > MaryChristine
> >
> > AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> > ICQ: 289856892
> >
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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

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