Tator, if this works I will join you in choking down a cheesecake!!!! (I
never *got* it -- why would you want CHEESE in a CAKE?? Cakes are for
chocolate and yummy cloyingly sweet icing!)
If this works, so much future heartache will be averted.  I suppose it's
too much to hope that it will come in time for most of the kitties on
this list, but here's hoping anyway!
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 10:50 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Is Cheesecake On The Horizan?!

Thank you for sending this!
Yes, I will eat a whole Cheesecake if this does happen as promised!
Remember I can't stand the stuff....LOL
This is totally awesome news to read about.
I'm excited....
I have requested to be on their mailing list as well.
In a message dated 3/18/2008 7:35:24 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,

        Just received this from www.10thlife.org
<http://www.10thlife.org/>  newsletter, dare we hope???

                Pilot Study Will Help Determine If New Cobra-Venom Drug
Cures Feline Leukemia

                For more than a year we've been waiting for the federal
government to approve a license application to use a new cobra-venom
based drug in a large placebo controlled double blind research study
that will scientifically determine if the new drug cures feline leukemia
(FeLV). The manufacturer has already received approval from the State of
Florida to proceed, but - if the drug cures the disease - sales would be
limited to Florida veterinarians and Florida cat owners. Federal
approval would allow sales anywhere.

                      Because of the federal delay, Dr. Julie Levy of
the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine suggested we
conduct a smaller 18-30 cat, four month, placebo controlled double blind
"pilot study" using the Florida license. The pilot study will follow the
same procedures and be conducted in the same manner as a larger
follow-up study using 100+ FeLV positive cats. The larger study will be
conducted if the pilot study shows good results. Good results from the
pilot study could expedite federal approval for a larger study - which
Dr. Levy would supervise. The larger 100+ cat study will prove
conclusively that the drug cures, or does not cure, FeLV.

                      The drug's manufacturer will supply the drug to us
for both studies (at no charge) and will supervise the pilot study (with
the results forwarded to Dr. Levy).

                      No harm will come to the cats. The drug is safe
and there are no known side effects.

                      For the last two weeks I've been looking for a
location to conduct the pilot study (we can't do it at the sanctuary).
Once we find a place, I can put a final budget together.

                      We will need to raise money for the pilot study
and if we proceed to the bigger study, we'll have to raise money for
that, too. Donors to either study will receive a tax deduction. If the
drug does cure FeLV, 10th Life will receive a royalty on each sale of
the drug because (1) we are raising the necessary research funds (the
manufacturer's research budget is for human - not animal - trials), and
(2) we will be supplying the FeLV+ cats.

                      We will probably need more FeLV+ cats. In a few
days I'll know if we need more FeLV+ cats and will ask you, then, if you
have, or know someone who has, FeLV+ cats that could participate in the
pilot study. Most FeLV+ cats are routinely put down by their owners...
this research is necessary because, if the drug cures FeLV, many lives
will be saved.

                      In the meantime, please continue to support us
with a donation... I spend most of my time raising operating funds and
now that I'm spending a lot of time trying to get this study underway, I
am not out there raising operating funds. Please, we need every donation
to continue providing for our 1,200+ sanctuary cats and for these
potentially life saving studies. All donations are tax deductible.

        happiness is being owned by cats ...
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Terrie Mohr-Forker









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