Robin, what a wonderful story.  All of my cats came to me much the same way you 
found Kiwi....orphaned or abandoned...sometimes right after birth.  Love him 
all you can and enjoy his little antics...sometimes their time is very short!  
Good luck!> Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 21:48:29 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:> Subject: [Felvtalk] Kiwi - feline Luk positive> > 
Last summer my son brought home a kitten who was between 2 1/2 and 3 weeks old. 
He found him beside his dead sibling. He was actually in good health. We bought 
some kitten formula and he drank like a horse. We worked on getting him use to 
people so that he could eventually get him into a rescue. My daughter who was 
living with me at the time took her cat in for his regular shots, and took kiwi 
with her so she could be looked at. I guess kiwi was about 3 months old then. 
We were very shocked when kiwi came back positive for feline luk. The doctors 
asked without saying the words if we wanted to put him asleep. We said no. At 
that point she was and kind of still is a very healthy happy one year old who 
loves to wrestle with our cocker and would love to play with my daughter's 
Japanese Bob Tail Cat, but unfortunately we have to keep them separate. The 
Japanese Bob Tail Cat has been immunized against Feline Luk, but we have also 
heard that the shot does not offer 100% protection. It's sad because they use 
to love to play together. We were hoping that in a few months kiwi would come 
back negative, but he came back positive for the second test. He still is very 
active, but he has been having trouble with loose bowels. He is also a bit on 
the thin side. I don't have the money to take him to the vets and we have tried 
to find him a rescue and or foster home, but right now it doesn't seem like any 
are available. One thing positive is that we were able to find an organization 
to neuter him. Now he doesn't spray. Thank God! He is funny sometimes. Some 
times he gets one of his claws caught in things like curtains, and cat toys. He 
was trying to catch a fly one day by our back patio window and his nail got 
caught in the curtain and he couldn't get free. He was scared and somehow got 
himself wrapped in the curtain. He was so grateful when I freed him. His 
favorite toy is a 3 inch round black rubber spider. He loves carrying it around 
in the house. I don't let him play with it unless someone is here with him 
because I worry about him swallowing it and it getting stuck in his intestines 
causing a blockage. He also loves laser pointers. She loves chasing the dot on 
the floor or wall. He loves the little jingle cat balls, or strings. One thing 
I don't understand is that she enjoys licking our cocker spaniels face. He is 
such a funny cat. Besides that he loves to check everything out. He is the 
curious little cat. I would enclose a picture of him but I am new to this site 
and I don't know if that is allowed. Well, enough for now. I would appreciate 
advise from anyone on raising a feline luk positive cat. Thanks! Robin Pine> > 
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