May all the angels surround both of them.
On Aug 13, 2008, at 10:22 AM, MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

> Dear all
> I just had a request for prayers from former member Michelle Lerner  
> for
> her sweet Patches.
> Patches has FeLV, FIV, diabetes and hyperthyroidism, and has survived
> many crises over the years. Now she's battling to overcome another.
> (For those of you who don't know Michelle she was a tireless and  
> hugely
> knowledgeable contributor--as can be seen in the archives--to the
> listserv for many years.)
> Please can everyone send prayers and good wishes for Patches'  
> recovery.
> Thanks so much
> Kerry M.
> I know I have been out of touch. But I am writing to ask you to pray  
> for
> Patches, and to send a request to the listserve on behalf asking for
> prayers. As you may know, Patches is now at least 7 years old (the  
> vets
> think 8 or 9 or older). She has lymphoma and has been doing well on
> chemo. She also has diabetes and hyperthyroidism. Despite all of this,
> and being FeLV+ and FIV+, she was doing really great until two days
> ago-- fat and happy and you would never know a thing was wrong. Two  
> days
> ago had what seemed to be a severe pancreatitis attack (she also had  
> one
> in May 2007 when she became diabetic), and was jaundiced from what  
> they
> thought was cholangeohepatitis, an infection of the liver that often
> accompanies pancreatitis. They did an ultrasound and thought that is
> what it is (internist and oncologist) since it did not look like the
> lymphoma was back.  She has been in the hospital since Saturday night,
> and except for not e! ating, they thought she was doing well at first.
> But she would spit up everything she was syringe fed, and now is
> suddenly very anemic (HCT 16). They put a feeding tube in and are
> transfusing her. We saw her before and after the tube was inserted and
> she purred both times. But the vets do not think she has much chance  
> of
> survival. They think the lymphoma is probably back, which can only be
> fought with chemo, and she can't get chemo in this condition. If it is
> not lymphoma, the rest of the problems she is having, combined, give  
> her
> at best a 50/50 chance of survival. When they put the tube in, they  
> did
> a liver aspirate, so we should not about the lymphoma tomorrow. But  
> they
> really think that is what is going on. If it is, I guess we will just
> take her home for as long as we can keep her comfortable and give her
> lots of cuddling and fussing, but it would probably be for a very  
> short
> time. If it is not lymphoma, I guess she would stay in the hospital  
> and
> try treatment longer. ! we are not hopeful, though.
> Please pray for her to feel better, for it not to be lymphoma, for her
> to get better, and for her to be calm and and as content as possible,
> and to get some good time to spend at home with us. She has been so
> happy being the only cat (our negative Quincy is in a separate part of
> the house and she doesn't see him) and be doted on since the other
> positives died. She has really blossomed in the last year and a half,
> and loves cuddling and pets and catnip and cardboard boxes. I know  
> it is
> miraculous and heroic of her to make it this long, but it still  
> seems to
> soon to let her go. She is such a superhero, and we love her so.
> Please send prayers and warm thoughts.
> thanks,
> Michelle
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