I am so sorry to hear how badly Cole is feeling.  My FeLV+ Buzz was acting
that way about a month ago.  My usual vet was on vacation and the one that
fills in for him said he had anemia - 8% red blood cell level, and gave him
two days to live.  Thanks to the people on this list I called the vets
office back and demanded that he be put on Doxycycline.  When my usual vet
came home he also put Buzz on Prednisolone.  Buzz had regenerative anemia,
the Doxycycline was in case he had Hemobartanella and the Prednisolone was
for Auto Immune hemoliptic anemia.  Whatever he had, the medicines are
His 8% on Friday went up to 11% the following Tuesday to 18% the next
Saturday.  He was last tested on Monday the 10th and his level was 28%.  I
just pray that Cole might have the same kind of results that Buzz has had. I
don't know if it is my imagination, but these feline leukemia kitties seem
to have such strong spirits and such a will to live the time they have.  My
prayers are with both of you. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kim Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 9:46 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] my Cole, help!

I am afraid I am on the verge of losing my loved and adored kitty, Cole. I
have had him for 6 1/2 years and we have had our ups and downs with some
illnesses but nothing a little TLC and medicine couldn't handle. I got Cole
when he was 5 months old from the Humane Society and about a week after
adopting him I found out he was feline leukemia positive. The Humane Society
said they would take him back and give me a "new" kitty. By that point my
heart was completely in love with him and there was no turning back, I had
to meet this challenge with strength and do all I had to take care of him.
Up until this point I knew that he would make it through all of the colds,
pneumonia's, gastro-intestinal issues, but now I am not sure anymore. He is
not acting like he would normally when he is sneezing, coughing,
breathing difficulties, or diarrhea. He just lays around all the time,
doesnt seem to be eating much or drinking much. Wet food doesnt even make
him happy! I have noticed that he is losing weight as well. I have an
appointment with the vet today to get him checked out but I am scared that
this will just be the beginning of the end. I am unsure of how far to let
him go. I don't know if I should keep treating everything or if I should
give up? The last thing I would ever want to do is prolong his life and make
him suffer more just so I could have more time with him. Does anyone have
any words of advice? I am new to this posting and I am afraid of losing one
of the most important things in my life and I am not sure how to even go
about dealing with any of it!  Kim
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