Yup, I remember using Prednisone too - and it did help.  I'm not sure,  
but I think it not only suppresses symptoms, but suppresses the  
inflammation, so guess less fluid collecting in the chest area (or  


On Aug 22, 2008, at 10:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thank you, Gloria.    I think what's adding to the fact that I have
> little faith in the Veterinary community is the fact that it seems as
> though many veterinarians don't know a whole lot about FeLV.   It's
> difficult because I expect to be able to turn to the Veterinarians  
> so I
> can get accurate information and make an informed decision.  But the
> ones I've spoken to don't seem to have much info at all.  In fact, my
> regular Veterinarian thought my Emma had a large tumor.  It turns out
> that what she was feeling was a very full bladder.  Argh!!!!!!!!     
> For
> now, I'm going ahead with the Prednisone.  Since starting her on it,
> her appetite is back, so maybe she'll regain some strength.
> I hope everyone and their kitties has a relaxing, comfortable weekend.
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