Now this was many years ago like 1972 when my Bud cat got sick. I was in
college and my dad took hin to the vet who dx'd FIP. Now I know there were
not tests done it was based on observation and he did not respond to
antibiotics. Anyway the weekend I was to come home he left and was never
seen again he was 10. I do not know about the tummy part I do know he was
losing weight.


On 11/2/08, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know many of you have had experience with fip.  My cat sneaker has
> chronic herpes (vet thinks that's what it is.)  he has difficulty breathing,
> but his lungs are clear. We've medicated him to no avail.  And he is
> semiferal and hard to pill, much less use a nebulizer or anything.   Anyway,
> I've noticed he seems to have gained weight in his belly.  Would a cat that
> is over 10 years old harbor fip all that time?  Wouldn't he act sicker if
> that's what it was?  I've got a crf cat so I've been feeding more wet
> food.  So I guess it could just be weight gain...... but it's a FAT
> tummy.  Am I being paranoid.  When he breathes through his nose it sounds
> like he has a cold.  There is no sneezing and he has no eye discharge or
> anything.
> thanks in advance for any ideas.
> tonya
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