Hi Sue & Frank,

I have a FeLV + kitty who had a bad upper respiratory infection that was 
sneezing green mucous and eventually turned into blood. He was on amoxi drops, 
clavimox and now doxycycline. The last vet appointment Spazzy's vet wasn't at 
all concerned about him sneezing the blood just decided to put him on a 
stronger antibiotic which is the doxycycline. She stated his nasal passages 
could be damaged because he has the upper respiratory infection for so long ( 
he was a stray I recently took in). However my vet is new to the world of 
feline leukemia + cats so I did a little internet investigation as to what it 
could be, I also found a web site www.justanswer.com there is a fee but you 
choose the fee and basically you ask a question and a Vet will respond if your 
satified with the Vet's answer then you can accept for the payment to go 
through if not then you won't be charged. Anyhow I dealt with a Dr. Finona from 
the website she had given me allot of info.
 regarding my kitty sneezing blood....more than what my own vet did. Here are 
some of the things she suggested I do for my boy. Vet's quote...."Start with a 
physical exam to make sure there isn't a foreign body stuck in the cats 
retropharyngeal area. What can happen is that a cat swallows a blade of grass, 
but mid-swallow, if they sneeze, it can shoot the blade of grass up into the 
area at the back of the throat where the nasal passageways meet the throat. 
This is called the retropharyngeal area. Then, the blade of grass or foxtail 
can be trapped there. This causes irritation and erosion of the sensitive 
membranes up there, which leads to sneezing, mucus discharge and eventually 
bloody discharge. 
Other possibilities are nasal polyps, a growth, nasal parasites (mites) or a 
fungal infection, or a tooth root abscess but these are far less likely than a 
nasal foreign body. "  There is allot of information Dr. Fiona emailed back to 
me I'm going to send that separately from this email because it's too large and 
will bog down the system.. I hope this information is helpful to you and 
Tweezer I wish you both the very best of luck!


From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 4:55:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tweezer sneezing blood

No, but I would start with running a humidifier.  It could be (depending on 
where you live) simply due to the dry air caused by running the heater in this 
colder weather.  Just an idea.

Sue & Frank Koren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  My two year old FeLV+ kitty Tweezer has been sneezing blood for a few days. 
(At first we didn't know where it was coming from, we were just seeing tiny 
blood droplets on the floor.) Last night we saw what was happening. He sounds a 
little stuffy, but he has sounded that way since we got him.
My problem is that my usual vet who is good with my positive kittys is on 
vacation until the 24th of November. I personally consider the associates in 
his practice to be less then adequate for a positive kittys specail problems. I 
am trying to decide if I should wait for my usual vet (Possibly start Tweezer 
on some Doxycycline in the mean time), take them to one of the other vets in 
the practice and hope that this problem is something they can handle, or maybe 
take him to an internist I have been to before with one of my other cats. I 
guess it all depends on why this is happening to him. Has anyone ever had a cat 
sneeze blood droplets?

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