Bless you for honoring your babies this way. When my guys leave this world their meds go to their vets who maintain Good Samaritan boxes and know their clients well enough to know who needs what. Other items are re-homed too. This time, when Dixie left, she sent me two kittens quickly so they are using her things.
On May 1, 2009, at 9:02 AM, wrote:

We just lost our last two felv+ babies and we would like to donate our supplies to someone in need. We have litter boxes, beds, bowls, toys, scratching posts, meds (chemo, pred., bladder meds, etc. etc.) food, tons of very nice items we would love another felv+ to enjoy. Please contact me directly if interested 508-529-1164 I am in Milford, mass.
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Diane Rosenfeldt" <>

Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 08:46:47
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] UPDATE: Tampa FL: Double suicide leaves 3 FELV+ cats,
        high kill facility

Heather, of course you should share your losses with us. It's sad, but I
think it's really important to acknowledge these little souls.

As for the couple who committed suicide, I can't imagine the kind of pain that led them to do this. Times are so very hard right now, and while I feel a lot of hope for the future, the present is what we're living in now and it's pretty sucky. But if you *are* feeling anger toward them, I think that's okay. They had stuff going on, obviously, but they also had three little lives depending on them and they should have made some provision for them, either given them away or even taken them in themselves for a kind death, although of course this is the last resort. Perhaps they thought, like so many apparently do, that the cats would be all right on their own. I can't be angry at these people, but I do resent the way they treated their

Sorry you had to do this. You did what you could, which is way more than a
lot of folks would.  Hugs.

Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Heather
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] UPDATE: Tampa FL: Double suicide leaves 3 FELV+
cats,high kill facility

Mary Christine thank you so much for posting this, I neglected to do so before people showed up to work on my pc and didn't have access again till
this morning.

With all of my rescue work, I have heard stories like this before...but it
is the first time it happened to me directly that I
was trying to save some only to find it was "too late".   I can only
hope it somehow means they perhaps would have had a difficult road ahead and needed to be with their family, but of course that's little consolation and
it feels like these people just left them to meet the same fate.

Last fall a young friend of my bf's passed away, he was only 37 and left behind 2 sr. cats who were, as with these 3, in the house a while after the
death and it was quite a battle getting them healthy again.
They were not felv+ cats and these 3 had been in the house with no
food or water for 11 days.   I am presenting rationalizations but of
course my heart doesn't really believe them and wanted them to have a

I thank you all for your concern...the rescue work is full of heartbreak,
sadly there have been many losses I haven't posted here
but should have so they could be added to the bridge list.   If it's
ok for me to send a list I will do so soon.

Thank you all for caring for FELV kitties, as we all know, they are given very limited chances in this world, due to no fault of their own. Every cat
deserves love & good care for whatever time they have.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Gloria B. Lane <>
Thanks MC - sorry to hear this, thanks for working to help them -


On Apr 30, 2009, at 4:04 PM, MaryChristine wrote:

special thanks to everyone who has been working on this one all day;
we've learned that all three of the kitties were euthanized earlier
this afternoon, upon the advice of the shelter veterinarian, who is
very well respected in the area; the shelter itself has an excellent
reputation as rescue-friendly, the cats were placed on a long-time
hold yesterday, and rescuers were contacted this morning. this one
does NOT seem to be one of those, "oh, no, kill them just because
they're FeLV!" but terribly sad nevertheless.

heather, thank you especially, for trying to do the impossible, and
managing to locate others who are as delusional as you!


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