
I too am more concerned about the panting as is a sign of anemia which these
cats are prone to getting and can kill them. If your cat does have anemia
make sure she is is checked for haemobart which is treatable. It will not
always show up when they test so most choose to treat for even if the test
is negative.

Junior was panting on his last day. He had fought a long hard fight and was
not up for heroic treatment. His spirit is free and I stay on the group to
offer help when I feel I may have something to add. This group is the reason
he was not euthanized when first diagnosed. He lived about 1.5 years and was
5 when he left me. Tiny is half brother unfortunately only lived a couple
months he too was 5 when he passed on.

Junior also had eye problems but was due to an injury prior to the FELv dx.
He went on to develop a corneal ulcer and glaucoma. He was already blind in
that eye.


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