Sharyl, I'm sorry for your loss of Mattie--what a special little girl she
was, I'm always thankful to hear of FELV kittens who do get the chance to
live out their lives, however short they may be.

This story reminded me of my first FELV encounter, moved to a new office to
find an injured double-positive Mama kitty and her babies.    Much like
Mattie's family, Mom--albeit double-positive--has outlived all of her
babies.   Hobbs, Sissy, Mickey and Sebastian were beautiful, sweet kitties
who won't be forgotten and hopefully are playing with Mattie, CJ, Bright
Eyes & Houdini.

I think when they are born with with as opposed to being affected as an
adult they just usually have much shorter life spans.  Knowing love & good
care in that time is what matters.

Bless you for taking care of them,

Heather in Tampa

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Sharyl <> wrote:

> I had to make that last vet trip with my dear sweet Mattie today.  She lost
> the use of her back legs last week due to neurological issues from the FeLV.
>  The paralysis spread and she had lost bladder and bowel control.  She was
> still eating and grooming herself but I couldn't wait until she was
> suffering.  She deserved better than that.  She fell asleep in my arms from
> the sedative and never felt the 2nd shot.
> Even though blind since birth she was the most inquisitive kitten I've ever
> had.  No challenge was too great for her.  She is the last of a litter of 4
> positive babies I rescued last summer.  What amazes me is that their mom and
> 3 aunts, all positives and now spayed, are still doing fine.
> All I can say is Mattie had a wonderful 12 months wanting for nothing and
> teaching me so much.  I learned not to let a handicap limit me.  It sure
> didn't limit her love of life.   She is now at the Rainbow Bridge with
> Bright Eyes, Houdini, and CJ.
> Sharyl
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