The sunroom would be a wonderful solution. Others on this list can address the health issues. If he is separated, I would not be concerned personally. I would have a baseline blood test done (your vet may have already done this.) A few years ago Dixie came into my life much the way Whimsy has come into yours. She was the most wonderful little girl. She remained with me for 3 years. I took her into be spayed and got the awful FeLV news. At that time she was scheduled to be a farm/porch cat. She was a garage cat for a while then became a house cat. I took her to a holistic vet who is totally wonderful and who helped Dixie live a full life until her last minutes. Bless you for taking care of Whimsy. Please bring him into the sunroom. You will enjoy it as much as he does but know that he may hide for a while. New smells, sounds and such.
On Feb 24, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Emeraldkittee wrote:


I just joined this group - not sure how active it is, but I was thrilled to find the site.

I've been taking care of a feral turned 'could be housecat' for 6 months. Finally I was able to trap "Whimsy" and got him fixed, etc. He turned out to be FeLV positive, but seemingly asymptomatic. We did not do a blood work as initially this was to be a TNR. He is approx 1 1/2 yrs old. I have other inside kitties, so after hearing the FeLV news it wasn't an option to bring him in, but I also refused to put him down. He does still live outside, but won't stay in the numerous shelters I have put out for him any longer due to possums moving into them. He hangs out in the yard most of the time, despite the cold Midwest weather, and is fed twice a day. Since his fixing 4 wks ago, he's become even sweeter, almost babyish and refuses to get off my lap when it's time for me to go inside. He's a real climber, jumper, I often see him on roofs and in trees. He was popcorning all over the place at the vet's - though I got him to walk into the
carrier, he had to be sedated once there after a near escape.

my question: I have a sun room that I could put him in, if my partner agrees, but what risk is there to my other kitties, a few with their own issues (FIV, HCM, CRF, lung issues, allergies). I am not super concerned about FeLV being spread since they'd be separated(unlikely) but other things Whimsy might have - like Panleuk. I have never been able to get a stool sample from him. what other scary things are possible? how do I ensure he won't have them?

I did confirm the ELISA with an IFA, and it was positive. This is 'stage 5 or 6', then?

His health issues have been: bouts of no appetitite in Dec coinciding with a runny eye and wound on chest. I got him on antibiotics and it took a good 2 wks, but the eye cleared and his appetite was back. He's had some not eating issues lately, but seems more concerned I coax him and sit with him while he eats. Pepcid helps slightly. He's also been on an immune booster for a month.

He used to be a dodgy feral and now tries to rub his face on mine - he's come such a long way. I would love to hear any opinions or stories.


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