Hi Fernanda,
   I may have missed the post regarding info about the MEgaC plus you're 
referring to here. I'm so glad for you and your kitty!   Where do you get this 


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 10:19:42 -0700
From: Fernanda  Barreto <fbarret...@hotmail.com>
To:  <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Subject:  Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV Re-testing for kittens/Tommy Update
Message-ID:  <bay126-w298f295d514d986a02b59d4...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I have been  meaning to send out this update, but now it's in direct response 
Paola's question.

I wrote in a few weeks ago to get some advise  on an FeLV positive kitten I had 
found in the middle of the street.   Even knowing that he may not be around for 
long (the vet wanted to put  him to sleep the day I found him) my boyfriend and 
I quickly fell in  love with him and named him Tommy.  After several hours of 
internet  research, we decided to start giving him Mega C in hopes that it 
boost his immune system enough to help him fight off the virus; at the  very 
least, it couldn't hurt.  After several weeks, we took Tommy to a  different 
to be re-tested.  This vet recommended sending the blood  work to the lab, 
they could do confirmatory tests if needed.  We  were ecstatic when she called 
to tell us that he is now testing  negative; even she sounded surprised.  The 
vet recommended that we get  him tested again in a few weeks, just to make 
sure.  I'm not sure if the  Mega C made a difference or not, but we will 
continue giving it to  him.  The Mega C was not that expensive and it comes in 
huge container  that should last us quite a while.  Even though we are still 
cautious,  we are so happy that Tommy may have beaten this.

When I found  him, Tommy was tiny and starving to death - his eyes were not 
dilating  properly, he couldn't walk without falling, he was failing to thrive. 
However, with regular meals, love and attention, he has grown to be a  healthy, 
and quite mischievous, kitten.  In the 6 weeks that he has been  with us, he 
went from a pound and a half, to a full four pounds!

Thank  you for all the information you gave so freely.  I know that many more  
kittens will benefit from your collective knowledge and care.



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