Oh, how I long for a home like yours!
I agree about the intro, and I've tried to "do it right" with everyone. The most recent one was Lucky, and he's doing well and seems accepted by all. But there are tensions, especially between Stormy and the other girl, Miya Chan (she's a rehabilitated feral). I think boy cats are mellower, more accepting. I would love to see everyone curled up together on the couch or my bed, or playing together. Sigh.
Thanks for another perspective!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Beverly Parsons" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] how to know if your "only" needs a friend?

Hi Bonnie,

I must beg to differ that most cats prefer to be the only! I have five male cats (aged fifteen years to six months) in our small apartment and they are all best buds. They rumble and tumble and play, and curl up and sleep together when they get tired. I don't think any of them would do well as an only cat. Most of my friends and family also have multiple cats that are great friends.

It's all about the introduction - a slow, careful introduction of a new cat to the resident cats can lead to a very happy relationship.

Just my two cents.


On Dec 15, 2010, at 9:27 PM, Bonnie Hogue wrote:

I have to tell you this story...
I got my cat, Stormy, as a 12 week old kitten. She was indoors only. There was a "yard cat" but they only saw eachother through the window. About a year after getting Stormy, I decided to go back to school to finish my degree. I was already working full time, so this meant poor little Stormy would be alone much of the time. In a move that is the *only* time I've sought out a cat (they usually just come to me, as Stormy had) I went to the local shelter and adopted a kitten about 12 wks. old. I brought him home and said, "Look Stormy -- I got you a friend!" Hiss, spit, growl, fur on end, very unhappy cat. Oops. I don't think she ever quite forgave me...
From this I came to the conclusion that humans are social and cats are
solitary. That's undoubtedly not an absolute in either case, but generally speaking, I think most cats would prefer to be the "only." ps -- Stormy now shares the house with three others, all "came to me" out of their need. She's a little pissy sometimes, but I let her know she's "queen" and let the others know they are to give her utmost respect (she's the elder puss) and she's adjusted very well.
Good luck!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Emeraldkittee" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 5:28 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] how to know if your "only" needs a friend?

Whimsy is adapting perfectly to being indoor only! (someone here said 'you control the door', and it was that simple. a few protests, an escape due to a foggy glass door, but overall very smooth transition) I'm watching him closely to make sure he isn't lonely.

I did see him attack another feral who was taking 'his' yard, a few months after he was fixed. Obviously that doesn't necessarily mean he couldn't have a pal, but ... we don't really have anywhere to get him used to a new kitty, they'd have to be together right away...

so, is it a good idea?
should I open the blinds on the door that separates him from his siblings to see how he reacts to other kitties?
male or female?
If Whimsy has a stronger constitution, would another FeLV kitty potentially make him sicker with a more virulent version?

again, Whimsy is a boy, about 2.5, asymptomatic.

thank you!!

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