Thanks for your responses!  I appreciate it.
Princess got the in-office Felv test and was negative (thank goodness).  The
biopsy result should be available Mon. or Tue. but the vet said "it looked
rather nasty"...
Poor little think peed in the cage and now smells pretty bad.  I'm thinking
of bathing her (more trauma!) but want to give her a few days to acclimate.
She finally came out from under the bed this morning and let me pet her
while she ate.  What a little sweetheart.  She has the prettiest little
"pointy" face.  She looks like she is smiling.   And she purred while I pet
her, so hopefully she understands she is not in danger.
Will keep you posted!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lorrie
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 4:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Intro New Cat Quick Style

Hi Bonnie, 

Thank you for taking your aunt's cat.  From description you gave us, it
sounds like Princess will be no problem at all to integrate into your
household.  I think she will be more comfortable confined to one room at
first, as it is overwhelming to have an entire house plus 4 other cats all
at once.

Your vet is correct...... Five cats are no more trouble than four.  
I thought I had a lot when I took in my fifth cat, and now I have 15........
All rescued.  Thankfully our house is large and they also have three outdoor
enclosures they can access from the house. 

Let us know what the biopsy results show.  I hope she is FelV neg.
and the biopsy is benign.


On 07-29, Bonnie Hogue wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> Life can be stressful sometimes.
> My aunt is going into assisted living (suddenly) and I'm taking her 
> cat.  I took my mom's cat, Lucky, last Fall, and he's become part of 
> the household very nicely.  This little cat, Princess, is a sweet and 
> mild-mannered little one.  I took her to the vet today for a checkup 
> and unfortunately he spied a growth on her tongue.
> He's biopsied it (so we will know) and I'm picking her up in a couple 
> hours.
> The thing is, this is very sudden and I haven't had much time to 
> prepare. And I'm going to be gone 12 or more hours a day next week 
> (eek). I can put her in the spare bedroom until the Felv test comes 
> back.  But I don't want her to be freaked out or too frightened.
> I'm hoping that instead of a three weeks, I can try to integrate her 
> in a week or two.

> This will make FIVE indoor cats for me.  I've never had so many. 
> The vet said, "Well, four or five isn't much different." Bless him.
> What's the conventional wisdom out there?  Leave her in the room
> 7-14 days, or longer?
> Thanks for your input!
> Bonnie

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