
So sorry to hear of Autumn's passing!! I'm so glad though that you loved and 
cared for her like you did.  It takes someone like you with a big heart that 
gave her a chance at life and a good life even though it was cut too short.  My 
kitten passed at age 9mos. I was heart-broken as well.  I wish there was a cure 
for this disease.  Until then, we just have to continue to give them the best 
life possible, just as you did!

By the way, I have an Autumn girl but she is a red dachshund. She turns 14 
Christmas Eve. We love her dearly and I so love the name as you do.

Many blessings & hugs to you~

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Susan Ang 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2011 6:33 AM
  Subject: [Felvtalk] Autumn the cat

  My cat Autumn died last night due to complications arising from Feline 
Leukemia. She was four years old. In her short life she was a joy to us, a 
beautiful, highly intelligent little cat. I can't believe she's gone. I had 
almost fooled myself into believing that I might get to keep her for a very 
long time, but the disease won. We are grief-stricken.  I joined this list in 
2007 after searching everywhere for information and support for FELV owners. 
I'm so glad it exists. I've drawn a lot of support and knowledge over the years 
- even when just lurking. I just wanted to add Autumn to the list. She was 
precious, loved to cuddle, watch Baby Einstein and steal pizza. My home will be 
so empty without her. I love you, baby girl. 
  ~Susan Ang


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