*Very scary.. see below..*

------Original Message------
From: Ellen Fawl
To: rescuealliancew...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Scary FELV test results!
Sent: Nov 22, 2011 11:16 PM

I need to share this so it can get to the FELV Lists and whomever is
following this testing debacle. We took in 5 Persians last week. We had
them combo tested with the standard Snap test. All five tested
positive.  We had blood work done on one cat and it came back negative.
We assumed the tests were done wrong so they redid them two days ago.
All four remaining cats tested positive AGAIN.
We had blood work taken on all four, sent it in, and all four came back

This is really scary stuff. Cats are killed all the time because they
test positive. Had we heard about these cats being in a shelter &
testing positive it's not likely we could have taken them in. The vet
office in Santa Cruz is going to follow up with the company, but if
there is anyone else out there tracking this stuff, I want to get the
information to them.


Love and Katnip,
                  ~Kat~     =^,,^=

**"I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."**
**"Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY
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