This is absolutely horrible! And to think that lives depend on this!

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 6, 2011, at 4:14 PM, Kat Parker <> wrote:

> Very scary.. see below..
> ------Original Message------
> From: Ellen Fawl
> To:
> Subject: Scary FELV test results!
> Sent: Nov 22, 2011 11:16 PM
> I need to share this so it can get to the FELV Lists and whomever is 
> following this testing debacle. We took in 5 Persians last week. We had 
> them combo tested with the standard Snap test. All five tested 
> positive.  We had blood work done on one cat and it came back negative. 
> We assumed the tests were done wrong so they redid them two days ago. 
> All four remaining cats tested positive AGAIN.
> We had blood work taken on all four, sent it in, and all four came back 
> negative.
> This is really scary stuff. Cats are killed all the time because they 
> test positive. Had we heard about these cats being in a shelter & 
> testing positive it's not likely we could have taken them in. The vet 
> office in Santa Cruz is going to follow up with the company, but if 
> there is anyone else out there tracking this stuff, I want to get the 
> information to them.
> Ellen
> Love and Katnip,
>                   ~Kat~     =^,,^=
> "I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."   
> "Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY cat!"
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