Hi there. I just wanted to take a moment and introduce myself.  I am a huge cat 
lover.  I volunteer at an animal sanctuary and take care of the cats there as 
well.  I have extensive knowledge of diabetes and CRF, but leukemia is new to 

About a month ago, I noticed that my 4 year old Siamese mix, Daisy, was feeling 
a bit "off" so we ran some blood work and she came back severely anemic. I 
rushed her into the ER, where she stayed for three days and had two blood 
transfusions and put on various types of meds.  Unfortunately, her body just 
gave out and my cat sitter, who works with my vet, called me when I was out of 
town with my dad in the hospital, and said that they thought it was Daisy's 
time.  We believe that she had leukemia.  She was vaccinated, but perhaps it 
was dormant until recently. (Dad's ok).

I have three other cats of my own and had them tested and subsequently 
vaccinated.  My 6 year old Siamese, Oliver, tested positive after having the 
ELISA and IFA tests.  I want to see what I can do to help give him a good 
quality of life.  I am checking out this website and look forward to gaining 
the knowledge I need to.  My vet and I were talking about interferon, omega 
fatty 3's, pet-tinic, etc.  He is used to me doing my own research as I 
reversed the CRF and diabetes with an older cat who passed of liver failure, 
mainly by seeing what "real people" did to help their cats. 

I also have three foster cats, who live in their own room, and they tested 
negative and were also vaccinated.

I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts, and of course, pouring over the 



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