These decisions are so difficult and so personal. I am not sure anyone can tell another what to do unless she is involved with the friend in question. I've let one die on her own and was/am very sure it was the right thing to do. I've had one die a few minutes after we left the vets' office....."I'll die with my Person and where I am safe and loved ........... not with Those People!!!!!!!!" and knew it was right but died inside both times. I am prone to let the friend decide how to leave this world and trust that our relationship is sound enough that we both trust each other to expose our fears and hopes and expectations.....I am learning this and I promise that it is painful at times. I hope that my friends understand when I can't do what they think is best and pray that I understand their wishes and have the strength to follow through. These things are so hard.......I am not sure there is a right or wrong as long as there is love.
On Jan 4, 2012, at 6:27 PM, <> wrote:

Of course, now is too late, but I did not kill even when the 2nd test came back positive. In any case, I would wat until it became necessary and certainly not on HIS it looks like, not really sure diagnosis. I would get another opinion. When my Shalie was diagnosed with hyper active thyroid, I tok he to the vet school at Missouri u. in Columbia for treatment. Brought he ome in 2 weeks and kept her on meds. only when it became obvios that she wold only get worse and suffe, did Dr. Rhodes and i decide to do what was best for her.
---- Kathryn Hargreaves <> wrote:

I just got this message from Karineh, who took Dolly to yet another vet (two in one day) at the urging of a rescue group that was paying for it:

"the vet said your best bet is to put her to sleep. he feels there may be some signs of FIP as well due to a flabby belly did a test and saw just a bit of fluids, wasnt sure though. he said the one eye looks to have just grown and grown no matter what you were to do since he feels its felv related and there wouldnt be any treatment other than removal. the other eye is not good either just not big. he said in the near future the other
one may need to be removed as well and this doesnt get rid of her
problems if she is FELV/FIP + it will go from one to another. he said if you want to wait till you conclude that the send out test was indeed felv
then lets wait but without really say what I should do he said her
prognosis is poor to bad."

This is before the results of retesting for Felv via a lab ELISA and an IFA. From what I understand FIP is almost impossible to diagnose. Also,
this vet is not an eye specialist, as far as I know.

Does this seem premature to you?   She plans to have her killed this
(Wednesday, January 4) afternoon, but is soliciting suggestions for

Do you all kill upon diagnosis (and in this case, *before* diagnosis)?

At what point do you euthanize and/or do you let them die on their own?

Do sanctuaries take kitties this far along?

Are there hospice places for such kitties?

The cat must not be in a lot of pain, as none of the vets so far (a total
of 3) have given her pain meds.

Much thanks for your prompt input,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kathryn Hargreaves <>
Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 8:31 PM
Subject: Los Angeles, CA -- UPDATE: Chipin! Possible Felv+ kitty with bad
eye growing every day needs foster/adopter by January 4th

Update on Dolly:

She went to a vet today and was diagnosed with glaucoma. They did not prescribe pain meds. They did retest for Felv with a lab ELISA and an IFA. This initial vet is referring her to an eye specialist, as she needs further evaluation. She is going to another vet tonight, the bills of which are covered, as far as we understand. However, today's initial bill of $250 needs to be reimbursed to the kind woman who let Karineh use her account. Also, if the eye needs to be removed, an eye specialist's bill
will also have to be covered.

Karineh has set up a Chipin for expected amounts, which may be lower or
higher than the $1,000 goal:
Any amount will help---even a dollar!  Many people have offered to
contribute, so now here's your chance!

Dolly may still need a foster while Karineh goes out of town for the next
couple of days, so you can contact her at Karineh Grigorian <> if you can foster.

Note that although Dolly is tame, she was pulled from a feral colony where
there are other tame cats waiting to be pulled.

Much thanks and remember to crosspost!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kathryn Hargreaves <>
Date: Sun, Jan 1, 2012 at 1:24 PM
Subject: Los Angeles, CA -- Possible Felv+ kitty with bad eye growing
every day needs foster/adopter by January 4th
Cc: Karineh Grigorian <>

The contact is "Karineh Grigorian" <>:

This beauty supposedly tested (using what test, I don't know, so it may or may not be conclusive) positive for Felv, and has an eye that is growing every day. The first picture is two days ago and the other two indicate the rate of growth. Steroid eye drops did not help or made it worse.

The current foster is going away on vacation on January 4th, so the kitty needs a new foster by then. Anyone have a spare bathroom or bedroom?
(Mine is full.)

The kitty also needs someone to take her to an eye specialist before
things get even worse or the cat gets euthanized. Even if she only lives
three more years, that's a lot of years in cat years.

There is some money help offered by the kind folks at Meoowz Rescue.

Please crosspost if you can't help more directly.   Thanks!


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