You know, I do rescue too, but I seriously doubt attacking this man for
breeding cats is going to help this female FELV+ bengal.  I doubt he's on
this list anymore (I would not be) and I'm not sure how this is helping the
cat, and isn't she what is important here?  Couldn't someone have steered
him to some resources that would have helped the cat instead of attacking

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Lorrie <> wrote:

> I also rescue, and it is terribly upseting to me when people breed
> cats. There are already too many homeless cats and kittens out there!
> My heart aches for that poor Bengal male who spends his life in a
> cage just so his owner can make money from him.  I hope he is
> neutered and allowed to live his life as it should be lived. As for
> the FelV female Bengal. Please have her spayed and let her be adopted
> by someone who will be happy to have her as a pet and won't give a
> damn about making money from her!!
> Lorrie
> On 05-27, Lee Evans wrote:
> >    This  is  for Charles Adams: Unfortunately, you are beginning to learn
> >    by  your  mistake  that breeding animals, whether cats, dogs, birds or
> >    any  other species can be more costly than it's worth.  You state that
> >    you  don't want a pet cat and never did. I am assuming that the Bengal
> >    you  have is just a potential source of money and that's what  you had
> >    in  mind  in  the  first place.  Your poor cat is definitely not happy
> >    without  being  able to breed.  He won't be happy ever because he will
> >    have  to  be  caged and bred many times in his life before he is of no
> >    more  use  in breeding.  Right now, if you are really ethical and want
> >    to  do best by your male cat, you should get him neutered and sell him
> >    as  a  pet  quality  Bengal.   Papers or not, he's a living being with
> >    feelings  just  like  you  and  I have.  As for the little female, she
> >    needs  to  be  retested.   She  also needs to be spayed.  If she still
> >    tests  positive  for  FeLv,  you  need to find a rescue that will take
> >    her.  Or advertise for an adopter who wants to have her as an only cat
> >    or companion to a small dog.  You can charge an adoption fee.
> >    I noticed that your email address is Texas Gold Buyers.  I assume that
> >    you  buy gold and re-sell it. That's a good business to be in.  Please
> >    stay  out  of  the  animal  breeding business from now on and stick to
> >    gold,  silver  and  any  other  inanimate  objects  that  people  will
> >    purchase.  Good luck to you and the cats.
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