I posted a couple weeks ago when I first found out about my kittens testing
positive for FELV.  Since than I have done a lot of research and have a
much better understanding of what I'm dealing with.  They are set to be
tested again in July and if the snap test is positive we will be sending
out for IFA testing.  At this point it does seem as though chances are they
are truly FELV (of course they still have the chance to "flip" or fight it
off but it does not seem likely all 3 will nor does it seem that it was a
false positive as all 3 kittens were tested separately, at different times
with the tests administered by different people....all coming back positive.

So anyway Im located in Philly.  More than willing and ready to drive any
distance I can make in a weekend trip for them to find a good home.  So
please watch and share their video I made for them (it might make you laugh
and cry).  Video link: http://youtu.be/N0uqTPhYLTQ

They are absolutely wonderful but I dont have space for 3 FELV negative
cats in my home permanently let alone 3 positive cats.  They will NOT be
euthed due to this but I may have to turn them over to a FELV rescue if Im
unable to find a good placement for them which I would hate to do after
raising them :(.

Jamielynn  Storch
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