It’s really interesting because when, and that’s rarely, that they reach a 
biological carrying capacity (or in a severe winter and no food), sperm counts 
go down and females, in real dire situations, will actually absorb their 
fetuses.  Also, people mistake deer as starving in the winter because they may 
seem thin, ribs showing, it’s only that thyroxin (a calcium-rich hormone) 
regulates their metabolisms in cold weather….even iof a lot of food were 
available, they might not be able to absorb all the nutrition.

The best thing is to leave them alone – thousands of years, and they have been 
able to regulate themselves until commercial hunting almost wiped them out at 
the end of the last century, and states had to start managing them to bring 
back the herds – then they found out what a big business it can be (hunting 
licenses, P-R Act, etc)- now they manage for MSY.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Kathryn Hargreaves
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 10:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bow hunting


Yes, I've heard from wildlife experts that the population of all species will 
level off at the carrying capacity (food, shelter) of the habitat, despite 
predation (of any sort).   This is why if you want to reduce a species' 
population, you have to sterilize and return, so the sterilized ones take up 
some of that capacity.


On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Natalie <> wrote:

No, they wouldn’t reproduce the same way, that’s the whole point! According to 
research on reproduction, hunted herds twin only 14%, while hunted herds twin 
or even triple at 38%.  It’s just nature’s way!  In fact, predators are better 
hunters because they go for the sick and old animals, while hunters avoid them, 
thereby actually degrading the gene pool – healthier animals are not the result 
of hunting – that’s done at deer farms by mating the best with the best 
specimen, producing fantastic trophy animals.

No, I do not eat any meat.

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Joslin 
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 2:44 PM

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bow hunting

I agree with you, but what would happen if we didn't have a hunting season, do 
you think they would not still reproduce like they do now? To each their own, 
again, I'm just thankful for the life of a deer, and the people who do purchase 
linceses as this money is put back into the wild life. The funding from 
licenses and tags is used to insure a healthy population of wildlife in the 
states, including the DNR to enforce the rules... I take it you don't eat meat 

It may provide your family with meat, BUT, technically, hunting doesn’t really 
lower deer populations except in the immediate aftermath of a cull.  Next year, 
there will be the same number of deer, if not more, because hunting encourages 
and spurs reproduction through compensatory rebound and because states manage 
deer for MSY (maximum sustained yield).  I’m sure that you will notice that the 
population doesn’t really go down in the long run.  I have made it my business 
to learn as much as I can about deer biology/reproduction.  Natalie

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Joslin 
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Bow hunting

I'm thankful for deer season, it provides my family with meat, as well as 
keeping population under control. -Joslin


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