Lorrie,  I agree with you 100%.  My Mom has wanted to adopt several kittens I 
have had in the past and I have always told her "NO" because she declaws, then 
she complains that her cats aren't as sweet and social as they were when they 
were kittens and I say "that's because you tortured and mutilated them, good 
going Mom".  That is one position that I will NOT back down from and I don't 
care if it hurts my Mom's feelings because she should have never done it in the 
first place and for what? furniture?  pppppppfffffffffttttttttttttt.  Don't get 
me wrong, I love my Mom but I don't agree with what she did.  Declawing is 
cruel and inhumane :( Joslin,  I am sorry for your loss of Zoey :(
 Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 06:10:58 -0700
From: joslinir...@yahoo.com
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Declaw

I no longer declaw my cats, Zoey passed away a week ago, I no longer declaw my 
        From: Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com>
 To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
 Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 7:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Declaw

You declawed your cat?  I will send you some information about
this.  It is NOT a good thing to do.

People don't realize what's involved when a cat is declawed. They
think it's just a "manicure", but it's actually amputation of the
digit of each toe along with the nail.  It's a very serious and
excruciatingly painful surgery to inflict on cats and kittens. It 
is in fact ten different amputations!

Because some veterinarians advocate it, to make extra $$$, people
believe that there are no risks involved and think it's merely a
"simple procedure".  It is NOT.  

Veterinarians who perform this surgery do not tell people that this
surgery can cause all or a combination of all the following........
Personality changes, such as withdrawal, unpredictability & biting
(they now feel helpless, as biting is their only means of defense).
The most common problem with declawed cats is
 urinating and 
defecating outside of the litter box.  The reason is that it is
extremely painful to step on litter after the surgery, and in many
cases a cat will never use it's box again.

Walk into any shelter and you'll see many declawed cats there who
have been given up, due to one or more of the above reasons.

Here's a perfect example:  We know of a couple who, when expecting a
baby, had their two adult cats declawed; what they got instead, was
far more dangerous to a baby than scratching - unpredictable and
serious biting! They had no choice but to have their cats of 6
years killed because no one in their right mind would adopt them.

Cats need claws for many reasons........ During play her claws snag
flying toys out of the air and hold them in place. A cat uses claws
to scratch an itch, manipulate catnip mice, grip a narrow catwalk,
hoist her body up to a high-up perch.  Most
 important of all, claws
are lifesavers, enabling a cat to climb to safety or thwart an
attacker if she should get outside by accident.

All this and much more is lost when a cat is declawed.

Unlike routine recoveries, including recovery from neutering
surgeries, which are fairly peaceful, declawing surgery results in
excruciating pain.  Cats huddle in the corner of the recovery cage,
immobilized in a state of helplessness, overwhelmed with pain.
Declawing is a major operation. The "patient" is first put under
general anesthesia, as the pain would be torturous without it. A
tourniquet is placed around the first paw to be declawed. The
veterinarian then performs a series of ten amputations. Each
amputation removes the claw and the bone into which it is firmly
rooted. The supporting tendons and ligaments for each claw are
severed. The surrounding soft tissue and flesh is cut off, and a
 technician bandages up kitty's paws to soak up the blood.
Kitty is now declawed. The retractable claws that she would have used
throughout her life for scratching, playing, walking, and self
defense lie in a heap on the table, waiting to get thrown out
with the trash.

Declawing Sites

www. stopdeclaw.com     a powerful anti-declaw site.

http://www.declawing.com/ -- veterinarian Christianne Schelling describes
declawing in plain English.




Declawing has been banned in over 20 other countries. I think the 
only reason it's still
 done here is vets make a lot of money from it,
plus people are uninformed about how cruel and painful it is.

On 10-03, Joslin Potter wrote:
>    You make a good point Natialie, When we took Zoey in to be fixed and
>    declawed we didn't realize that in a few months when he was dx with
>    FeLV that we would be seeing them a lot more often then planned, I also
>    recommened them to everyone and sometimes get discounts for refering
>    friends. 

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