Amen, and don't buy expensive furniture either. It is replaceable. The effects 
of declawing are far worse than house items!
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-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sender: "Felvtalk" <>
Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2012 11:43:38 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Declaw

Folks around here laugh because I stop and move turtles across the road so they 
won't get hit.  I even move snakes out of the way when working in the garden.  
Will admit that it is usually cool and they can't move too fast so copperheads, 
rattlers and spread heads get moved to the other side of the road out of harms 
way.I get frustrated with the raccoons because they can be so destructive, but 
they are cute so they are still around with the possums, deer, groundhog, 
squirrels and every other creature of the woods.  Got must have made them for a 
purpose.  I have always had dogs and cats for pets, even a ew chickens.

---- Marcia <> wrote: 
> My mom didn't like cats either, but I know where I came from. My gramma loved 
> dogs and cats and I spent a log of time with her. My Mom loved loved dogs, we 
> had 12 collies living with us, but NO CATS!!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 4, 2012, at 3:34 PM, Lorrie <> wrote:
> > Edna, 
> > Can't say I blame you for not backing down on the declawing.  My mom
> > didn't even like cats enough to adopt one. I never figured out how
> > I became such an animal lover, because I was always dragging home
> > injured animals and Mom would say "Get that filthy thing out of here". 
> > If my mom saw how many cats I have now she'd turn over in her grave.
> > 
> > Lorrie
> > 
> > 
> > On 10-04, Edna Taylor wrote:
> >>   Lorrie,  I agree with you 100%.  My Mom has wanted to adopt several
> >>   kittens I have had in the past and I have always told her "NO" because
> >>   she declaws, then she complains that her cats aren't as sweet and
> >>   social as they were when they were kittens and I say "that's because
> >>   you tortured and mutilated them, good going Mom".  That is one position
> >>   that I will NOT back down from and I don't care if it hurts my Mom's
> >>   feelings because she should have never done it in the first place and
> >>   for what? furniture?  pppppppfffffffffttttttttttttt.  Don't get me
> >>   wrong, I love my Mom but I don't agree with what she did.  Declawing is
> >>   cruel and inhumane :(
> >> 
> >>   Edna
> >>     __________________________________________________________________
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