All very valid points.  Maybe I am one of those weird folks who just doesn't 
get angry or upset if someone votes a different way.  I guess that is why I 
always thought it was odd that people get so mad about politics or religion, 
cause I just don't care one way or the other ;) Also, any suggestions on making 
SuzieQ's last days comfortable (I posted about her yesterday, 2-3 year old, 
cancer, no cure, caused from exposure to FeLuk even though she was able to shed 
the virus, etc.)
 Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 09:16:13 -0700
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President

I've never been a list moderator or been a position to direct anything except 
to try to direct a bunch of cats to use the litter boxes.  However, let me just 
add a bit of wisdom or non-wisdom, however you want to view it.  Discussing 
politics and religion usually causes minor skirmishes and major wars on any 
list or even in a group around the dinner table.  We all have opinions.  If the 
opinions are about food, clothing, the color of the freshly painted house down 
the street, why the neighbor would ever buy a Chihuahua/Great Dane mix dog or 
anything but religion and politics, we state our opinion, have a chuckle 
sometimes, compliment each other for being able to put a few words together in 
a sentence and go on with the day.  But just start a thread in a group about 
politics in an election year and all
 h*** breaks loose.  Even if half the list is in agreement that one or another 
candidate is a total screw-up, the other half of the list goes bananas and 
defends their total screw-up to the last flaming word.  Unfortunately this is 
because most people don't use logic and research to pick a candidate.  So what 
you get is pure emotion. Other people know deep inside that they are supporting 
someone who isn't exactly wonderful but they are not going to vote for that 
OTHER PARTY because mom, dad, grandma, granddad never voted for that PARTY. It 
is my opinion that most elections are based on who can sell the product better 
and the prejudice of the voters for or against the actual person.  I don't mean 
color or ethnic group although that also comes into the mix.  What I mean is 
that no one even goes to check out the facts.  Like we are now having a problem 
with whether Romney strapped his dog carrier to the top of his car.  Or
 in the past, whether Mr. Obama was a citizen of the United States, or whether 
he was a secret Muslim. These are all smoke screens to keep people from 
thinking about real issues, like the price of food constantly going up, how 
much money  the oil companies are actually making when they raise the price of 
gas every time someone mentions Iran or Iraq or any other issue  important to 
our daily lives.  If I spend an hour doing a search on how many bills were 
passed by the candidates that benefited me or took away something for me, I 
would do much better as an informed voter than if I spent my time reading about 
Romney's dog or Obama's birth certificate.  This, I think, is why we get angry 
with someone who has an opinion that does not match ours.  We are not really 
solidly informed before we take the opinion in the first place.  Like standing 
on the edge of a cliff, afraid that someone will push us off and lying to 
ourselves that
 if we scream loud and long enough, we won't lose our balance.  Maybe we should 
just stick to cats and trade information on how to make their lives better and 

 Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
neighbors too!

        From: Terri Brown <>
 Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 7:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President



This is why I don't think we should be discussing this on this list.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lorrie 
  Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:59 
  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] President
It is true.  

On 10-04, Terri Brown 
>    I don't know where you heard that Lorrie, but 
  it's not true.
>    Terri

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