Since Ozzy has no teeth, even if he fights, he can't spread FIV because FIV is 
spread by deep biting during a cat fight.  He can't spread it through a scratch 
or through any non-violent contact with any of your cats.  I have about 3 FIV+ 
cats mixed in with my my regular gang and no one is any the worse for it.  
About the spraying, once his hormones go away, even if he sprays occasionally 
(and all cats do that when nervous or angry on occasion) it won't smell 
terrible.  I have several bad boys who do the spray thing from time to time 
just to keep in practice.  It's a matter of pail and mop and that's mostly it.  
I use Simple Green Anti-virus cleaning product.  It smells like a cleaning 
product when I'm mopping, but leaves the room smelling of nothing and nice and 
clean too.  It comes in a half gallon size, is green in color.  There are 
several types of Simple Green. The one I use is a concentrate. An ounce (shot 
glass for measure) in  2 to 3
 gallons of wash water does wonders and I have at least 22 cats in a large 
room.  They are NOT polite or well behaved cats either, but I still don't have 
to dig the house under.

For more information about FIV+ and mixing positives and negatives together, 
you may want to join the FIV2 Yahoo Group and read the files or make contact 
with some of the members. Whatever you do, don't allow any vet to sell you the 
FIV vaccination.  It turns a cat positive upon testing and will jeopardize 
negative cats because some vets and shelters still euthanize FIV+ cats for no 
reason except misinformation about the situation.

Great news about Miss Kitty though. Females rarely get FIV because mostly, 
males are very polite to them but if the male cat grabs them by the neck too 
roughly during mating, it may turn into a bite and therefore infect the cat.  
But males don't usually do this. They don't want to kill the female, just 
impregnate her.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Kathryn Green <>
To: "felvtalk@felineleukemia org" <> 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2012 11:06 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Ozzy & Miss Kitty
Well, good news and not so good news.

The cat that originally started all of this, Ozzy, is definitely an
older cat and as I suspected, he tested positive for FIV although neg
for FeLV.  As he is obviously a battle veteran and drew blood from the
person who originally  rescued him too, indications are he will be
more than happy to fight others and share the virus.  He was also
loaded with tape worms which men's Miss Kitty likely has them too so I
have to dose them both for that.

The vet couldn't give me an estimate of Ozzy's age other than to say
he was no spring chicken.  Why?  Because he has almost NO teeth.  One
canine was intact but the rest were broken or missing.  He removed a
couple of the broken ones but says there were many that were just
roots and there was nothing he could do short of major surgery.  Says
his gums are in surprisingly good condition, he just has no teeth.
Suspect many were broken in fights.  It is amazing to me how he puts
away dry cat food - LOTS of it - when he has no teeth!

Technically, a fighter like Oz should be quarantined for the rest of
his life cause of the FIV.  If I were to do that it would mean keeping
him in my master bathroom.  Not too fond of that idea.  Only other
option is to make him an outdoor cat and I don't like that either.  If
he starts spraying that will be my only option tho I suspect.  Even
tho neutered now he has been around long enuff marking is a natural
thing for him and will likely continue.

Now for the good news.  Miss Kitty came thru with a clean bill of
health, got her vaccinations, and goes  back in 4 weeks for her

Total bill this time around was $168.

Both are now back in the master bathroom while I "gird my loins" and
prepare to dose them for worms.  I think Oz will take his in a bit of
canned cat food but Miss Kitty turns her nose up at anything from a
can so hers will have to be a pill.  I will let all know if I survive!


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