Couldn't agree with you more. I tell people that my primary form of interior decoration is organic.
On 11/26/2012 11:19 AM, Kathryn Green wrote:
Hey! Just like my front door sign says:

"If you get upset about cat and dog hair on my furniture please go back home and 'visit' me by phone. All my furniture has pet hair on it. That's why it's called FUR-niture!"


Lee Evans < <>> wrote:

Well, when I find that my cats don't match the furniture, I throw out the furniture. That's it! Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors too!

    *From:* " <>"
    < <>>
    *Sent:* Sunday, November 25, 2012 4:30 PM
    *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Cat proof furniture

I have quarry tile floor except in bedrooms, they are wood. Furniture is covered in sheets of various colors which can be
    taken off when company comes.  The color scheme in living room
    varies from sheet washing day to sheet washing day.  I figure that
    if people know me, they understand.  Others don't have to come to
    my house if it upsets them.

    ---- Lorrie <
    <>> wrote:
    > I've heard of this....... People who want to get rid of a cat
    > the fur doesn't match the furniture.......... Geez.
    > I have my furniture covered in multicolored velour upholstery,
    and my rugs,
    > are all oriental design.  The design really hides the fur, and
    the soft
    > velvet upholstery is not what cats like to claw. It works, and I
    > a bunch of cats of all sizes, shapes and colors including three
    long haired
    > cats who really leave a lot of fur around!  There are ways to
    live with
    > multiple cats and still have a nice home, but too many people
    use fur as
    > an excuse to dump their pets.
    > Lorrie
    > > On 11-02, Lee Evans wrote:
    > >    This actually happened to me when I was answering our
    hotline for VOICE
    > >    For Animals.  A woman called asking if we could take an
    orange cat.  I
    > >    asked her why. What she said was that she had purchased a
    white sofa
    > >    and the cat was getting orange fur all over it.  She said
    she would be
    > >    willing to take a white cat in exchange. She had had the
    orange cat
    > >    for 2 years, had come into some money recently and was
    buying new
    > >    living room furniture.  I finally talked her out of dumping
    her cat on
    > >    us by telling her about the sticky roller product for
    removing lint and
    > >    hair from things.  I also told her that she should purchase a
    > >    multicolored  sofa cover to keep the sofa covered for
    general use and
    > >    whisk off the cover when company arrives. She was delighted
    with the
    > >    ideas.  I should write a book on how to color coordinate
    your rooms
    > >    with your cats and dogs and how to color coordinate your
    daily work
    > >    outfits with a shedding pet.
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