It's OK Karen. We all panic when our not-so-normal cats get sick because we 
assume that it's the FIV+ or FeLv+ that has kicked in and is going to deprive 
them of their little bit of happiness but I have learned to center myself and 
think positively about cat illness. First I try something obvious, that I would 
with an ordinary cat. In the case of throwing up and not eating, I try 
Petromalt, a hairball and constipation remedy. It's inexpensive and sometimes 
after a few hefty doses, the cat it cured. I also feel ears. Are they hot? Nose 
dry and too warm? That's a sign of fever. Take to vet and get a Convenia shot, 
a long acting antibiotic. Give your cats a feline vitamin compound with iron to 
build up the blood and prevent anemia. Open his mouth and see if his gums and 
tongue are pink, like a normal cat. Flea treat with Frontline Plus for fleas so 
no flea anemia gets him. But also reserve the option of taking him to the vet. 
You don't need massive blood
 tests and other tests. Most cats will respond to an antibiotic, even those who 
are positive for something. Your CRF cat is different. You need to take to vet 
at first sign of illness or at least call the vet and describe the symptoms. 
Cats don't like being hauled to the vet. Stress on top of not feeling well 
makes things worse.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

> From: Karen Harshbarger <>
>To: "" <>; 
>"" <>; 
>"" <> 
>Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 4:38 AM
>Subject: [Felvtalk] struggling tonight
>Hi,  I joined all of these group cause I have kittys with all of these 
>illnesses---one with CRF, 4 with feline leukemia, and little Tig that I lost 
>had very bad anemia/feline leukemia/upper respiratory/etc.etc. and 
>unfortunately I know that Anemia is probably coming for my 4 kittys with 
>feline leukemia---just a matter of when. My kitty with CRF has slight anemia.  
>I have 5 other cats that live with me and there are 2 little ones that 
>recently showed up on my patio.
> Tonight I am sitting up with one of my kitties that has feline leukemia 
>because he is sick ----he is throwing up white bubbly phlem and would not eat 
>tonight.  (before tonight, he was doing so good I thought that he might be one 
>of the lucky ones that would fight off this awful illness before his second 
>Cole is very sick and I am very very worried about him and just trying to 
>figure out what I am going to do next so that I don't loose him like I lost 
>his brother little Tig recently
>As I read through all the posts I realize that there are a lot of caring 
>people out there trying very hard to do what I am doing----keep their cats as 
>happy and healthy as they can and with them as long as they can.  It is a good 
>thing that there are so many caring people, but a sad thing that there are so 
>many sick little cats.  .I also wonder how all of you afford to get all the 
>tests and medicines, as I am really struggling with that and not sure how I am 
>financially going to keep up and worry that I am not doing all that I can or 
>should cause I can't afford to do all these expensive blood tests, etc or a 
>regular basis. so that better diagnosis can be done.  I also worry that the 
>vets around here are not up on all the latest things to help my little ones 
>with all their illnesses.and that I am not smart enough to understand it all 
>to figure out if the vet is doing the right thing.  I some times worry, 
>especially nights like this when I sit up
 tired and very worried with a sick little cat that I did not know enough or do 
enough for little Tig, causing him to leave this world at only 11 months old.  
I also worry that I am not giving these little guys all that they need. 
>Would love hearing any suggestions.  Sorry about the rambling.  I am just 
>struggling to find direction as I sit up with poor little sick Cole as he 
>struggles with this awful illness.    Thanks, Karen     
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