I'm not sure about this, but I *think* this might be what's called regressive 
infection. It's not as bad as it sounds. This is a "new" way of looking at cats 
we used to think threw off the virus. The paper "2008 AAFP Retrovirus 
Guidelines" puts it this way:

Regressive infection is accompanied by an effective immune response, and virus 
replication is contained prior to or at the time of bone marrow infection. Cats 
with regressive infection are at little risk of developing FeLV-associated 
diseases. FeLV is integrated into the cat’s genome, but viral shedding does not 
occur (Peder- sen et al 1977, Lutz et al 1983, Flynn et al 2000, 2002). 

It seems possible that the cats we always used to say "threw off" the virus 
were actually "infected", but that they don't shed virus and have a very low 
risk for getting sick.

That paper is available online. Just Google for the title. All in all, while it 
might not be the best news, regressive infection would seem to indicate a 
normal life is ahead for your cats, and you shouldn't have to be concerned 
about them.

Would you mind describing the exposure you think your cats might have 
undergone? Was it a short interaction with a FeLV+ or a long period of time 
spent with a positive cat or cats? Also, how is Cole doing? I know he didn't 
eat well one day recently, and you were concerned.

Best wishes to you and the five negative kitties,


On Jun 12, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Karen Harshbarger <harshbargerka...@yahoo.com> 

> I had my 5 cats tested for feline leukemia when believed to be exposed.  
> First test 4 tested positive and yesterday (90 days later) all 5 tested 
> negative.  my vet said retest in 45 days and see what we get.  If two test 
> with same diagnosis then that is the results.  Has anyone ever had this 
> and/or what do you have to say about what is going on with my guys?  He used 
> the quick in house test---for get the name---not the send out lab test that 
> takes longer for results.  Thanks Karen
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