Amanda, so sorry to hear about Polli.  I'll say a prayer for her, that her
journey and transition are easy.  And for you, that the pain of loss heals



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amanda K. Payne
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 5:11 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bad News


Hi everyone,


We took Polli in to a new vet today to get something new to treat her URI.
She had a bad reaction to Clavamox and we were looking for a new vet who
would be more aggressive and open minded with her treatments.


We found a great vet, one I used to go to when I lived on the other side of
town.  He was optimistic about her treatment and was confident we could get
her over this URI.  However, he noticed that her belly is distended.  He did
a tap and diagnosed her with FIP (another disease I have already dealt with
before).  Her skin and gums are also very jaundiced. He says it appears her
body is shutting down.


We made an appointment to euthanize her at our home tomorrow afternoon.
She's been on a decline for the past two weeks and feel it's time to help
her go.  


Please keep us in your thoughts.





"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge" Bertrand

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