Gosh, thanks so much for the encouragement.  I just called & made an 
appointment to take Lucky back to the vet in 45 minutes.  

And I’ll join the FLUTD group – that will be helpful.

He’s on Uroeze because he didn’t like CD food formulated to help with 
this….maybe just straight canned Wellness or something.  Guess I can re-arrange 
feeding stations to accommodate a special dieter!

I thought the surgery he had three years ago would take care of all this but 
guess not.  He’s 14 years old and a very special cat to me – used to be my 
mother’s cat and she passed away almost 3 years ago, so he’s “my family.”  He’s 
a great tuxedo guy too, really smart.

Anyway, I’m worried and really want to help him.  He’s sure helped me and my 
family through tough times.

Thanks again, all.  Really appreciate your help!



From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Beth
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:41 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Male Cat Urinary Crystals


I agree, left alone the condition is lethal.



Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!  
<http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/21.gif>  www.Furkids.org 




From: Shelley Theye <ve...@bellsouth.net>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Male Cat Urinary Crystals

Hi Bonnie,

So sorry that Lucky is having urinary issues.  If he is going in the litter box 
and crying, and not producing urine, I would take him
back in or call the vet immediately.  

Did he have the surgery to remove his penis, can't think of the name of it, 
or did he just have a blockage that was unblocked previously??  

If he can't pass urine, that is an emergency, or he could just have a lot of 
inflammation and/or bladder spasms, but this 
could lead to another blockage, so the sooner you treat this the better.  Is he 
urinating at all?

My cat, Jack, had a blockage about 4 years ago.  He only liked Royal Canin
Urinary SO canned of the 3 major brands that the vet suggested, including CD 
and Purina brands.  He had to go off of the canned Royal Canin because he has 
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and that food had way too much salt in it.  That's 
when I joined the yahoo group
on FLUTD cats and decided to go off of the vet formulas, and just feed canned, 
non fish or grain foods.

Here is the link to join  http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/FLUTD/  
<http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/FLUTD/>   you have to join to see messages.
That group has great info and support, I would encourage you to join.  It's a 
very active group, and a few of the most
knowledgable folks answer your questions very quickly.

Anyway, now I have Jack on canned meaty food, which I add even a little extra 
water too, no grain, and he does great on it.
There are other things to look at besides the crystals.  Like you said, stress, 
there is also just inflammation without bacteria, that
many cats are thrown on antibiotics for, even though they don't really have a 
UTI, bladder spasms, weak bladder wall, etc.  
The yahoo groups has a lot of super info on all these subjects and different 
treatment, many holistic.

Hope he starts to feel better soon, please call the vet to let her/him know 
what is going on.

On Sep 10, 2013, at 11:37 PM, Bonnie Hogue wrote:

> Poor Lucky.  He had a bad u.t.i. about 10 days ago.  Went to the vet; 
> crystals in urine (it’s happened before, in fact he had surgery to widen the 
> urethra).  Vet prescribed antibiotics (he just finished them today).  Also a 
> pill called “Uroeze” to help keep crystals from forming (3x daily!).  But he 
> is still having problems – pee spots around the house, he’s restless, just 
> tried to pee in the box but nothing.  I feel so badly for him -- he must be 
> uncomfortable.  And he looks at me a meows!  I hate to just run to the vet 
> (it stresses Lucky, he pants on the way home), but don’t know what to do.  He 
> won’t eat the CD food designed to reduce whatever causes the crystals.
> Any ideas?  I’d sure appreciate it, and so would Lucky!
> Thanks
> Bonnie
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