I am so sorry to hear about Sasha, Jennifer. May you find comfort and peace
knowing she had a good life thanks to you. I'm keeping you and your other
kitty in my thoughts.

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Jennifer Ballew <balle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Put Sasha down today.  I think it was time.  :-(
>  On Oct 10, 2013 2:02 PM, "katskat1" <katsk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sub Q will work almost immediately if anything is going to work at all.
>> Don't freak tho.  It will show as a big scary malleable lump under the skin
>> as the liquid drains from the IV bag.  It is just the water under the skin
>> and will dissipate within a short period of time but the rehydration starts
>> surprisingly quickly and can make an almost immediate world of difference.
>> Please don't hesitate.  It is the best and quickest way to give your kitty
>> a chance.
>> Kat
>> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 2:57 PM, <cer...@new.rr.com> wrote:
>>>   At the Shelter where I volunteer, they find that rehydrating a
>>> cat by giving sub-q usually perks up their appetite.
>>> Chris C.
>>>  *From:* Margo <toomanykitti...@earthlink.net>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 10, 2013 7:00 AM
>>> *To:* felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Fwd: virus has finally caught up with her :-(
>>> Hi Jennifer,
>>>                        Well, I think she will need some help. I am
>>> surprised that a Vet allowed a dehydrated cat to leave without doing
>>> something about it, so I'd call and ask why. It's good that she is
>>> drinking, but it is impossible to correct clinical dehydration orally, she
>>> must have either IV or sub-q fluids. That alone MAY be enough (combined
>>> with the B-12) to start her eating again, it can be miraculous. If you
>>> don't want to try the Clavamox, then take her (what is her name?) in and
>>> request sub-q fluids (and have them show you how to do it at home) and ask
>>> about Convenia, a long-lasting injectable antibiotic. I don't generally
>>> recommend it, but it's better than nothing, and less stressful for both of
>>> you. Explain that medicating orally seems too stressful. You could ask
>>> about appetite stimulants, but they need to be given by mouth as well, so
>>> maybe you don't want to try.
>>>                        Much depends on how far you want to go. Sub-q's
>>> and assist feedings aren't difficult to do, but you may not have the time
>>> to give to this. I would say, even if you decide not to continue long-term
>>> care, get to the Vet (or another of you don't want to go back there) TODAY
>>> for sub-q or IV fluids, and see if that helps.. If you have to work, most
>>> Vets will allow drop-off.
>>>                        Please help her by getting the dehydration
>>> resolved. She feels totally lousy, and of course doesn't want to eat, or
>>> move. At least she will feel better, and that's critical, whatever course
>>> you elect to follow.
>>> All the best,
>>> Margo
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jennifer Ballew **
>>> Sent: Oct 9, 2013 9:40 PM
>>> To: felvtalk **
>>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fwd: virus has finally caught up with her :-(
>>> They took her temp yesterday and no fever.  She's not showing any
>>> outward signs of infection, so that's good I guess.  I'm just wondering if
>>> she's going to be able to pull out of this.  :-(
>>> Jennifer
>>> On Oct 9, 2013 8:27 PM, "moonsister22" <moonsiste...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Regular cats can also have those symptoms. The B12 shot is good. Does
>>>> she have a fever? Many doctors completely neglect the simple task of taking
>>>> the cat's temperature. An antibiotic injection might be of benefit. My hard
>>>> and fast rule is to think "simple" first. My FIV positive cat had a lump on
>>>> his back. It was diagnosed as probably a malignant tumor. I suggested it
>>>> was a non-malignant fatty tumor. Three years later Mr. Snowy is still fat
>>>> and going strong and the tumor has absorbed. Maybe it's luck and they will
>>>> use up the last of their nine lives eventually but until then start off
>>>> simple but cautious and do always take to vet but listen with both ears
>>>> open and your brain cells on high alert.
>>>> Hugs and blessings to you and the fur kids.
>>>> Sent from my iPod
>>>> On Oct 9, 2013, at 3:48 PM, Jennifer Ballew <balle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hey all-
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > This is the first time I have posted to the forum.  I have two FeLV
>>>> positive cats, one two and one three years old.  The older cat has never
>>>> had any issues with illness whatsoever, but the younger has only recently
>>>> started showing signs that her illness has caught up with her.  Just within
>>>> the last few days she has become very lethargic, stopped eating (and only
>>>> drinks a small amount) and whenever she stands or walks she seems very
>>>> unsteady and wobbly.  I took her to the vet yesterday; they checked her
>>>> blood counts which were low and said her kidney enzymes were elevated.
>>>> They also said they could hear a heart murmur which is probably related to
>>>> possibly being dehydrated.  They gave her a B12 shot and I took her home.
>>>> I already said if worst came to worst I wouldn't put her through any
>>>> unnecessary treatments or subject her to any painful procedures and that I
>>>> would strive only to provide the best supportive care for her while she was
>>>> alive so that she would have the best chances.  I'm just wondering if any
>>>> of you have gone through the same thing and if I can expect her to pull out
>>>> of this on her own, or, if she doesn't, how long she might have left.  I'm
>>>> sincerely heartbroken.  I really thought I had nursed her through the most
>>>> risky part of her illness (kittenhood) and that she would now go on to live
>>>> a halfway long life.  In any case, if anyone has any advice or information
>>>> I would greatly appreciate it.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks all,
>>>> >
>>>> > Jennifer
>>>> >
>>>> > --
>>>> > "To love is to risk not being loved in return.
>>>> > To hope is to risk pain.
>>>> > To try is to risk failure,
>>>> > But risk must be taken,
>>>> > Because the greatest hazard in life
>>>> > Is to risk nothing."
>>>> > --Leo Buscaglia
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