You are doing everything possible. I am visualizing a healthy little Bear for 
Christmas and for the year. Much love to you. I know how you feel. My sweet 
Bunny girl passed on my birthday of this year. Somehow it's more difficult if 
it's on a special day or time of year. But she had FeLv. She turned negative 
for a whole year, then suddenly turned positive. On the other paw, all my FIV+ 
cats seem to live normal, long lives so there's hope for Bear if he can get 
through this crisis. A transfusion is very good. It will give his body a chance 
to turn things around without too much stress on his organs.

On Tuesday, December 24, 2013 6:15 PM, "" 
<> wrote:
Turns out it does not look like FIP, looks like hemolytic anemia, where he is 
killing off his own red blood cells, and the vet simply did not keep him on a 
high enough dose of immune-suppressants so he crashed again. Now he is really 
bad. I don't know what his chances are at this point, but I do not think they 
are good, though the vets say he can turn around. He just got a transfusion and 
they are starting him on cyclosporine, a stronger immune suppressant. And 
>Please send him prayers. He is FIV+, not FeLV+, though he has had as many 
>issues as my FeLV cats did. I got back on this list looking for feline 
>interferon, which I don't need, but one thing I know this list is good for is 
>prayers. Please pray it's a good Christmas for Bear and he responds well to 
>the transfusion and the cyclosporine. 
>thank you,
>Felvtalk mailing list
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