I was given this stray by a person with whom I used to do rescue. I am now out 
of the rescue business and have over 30 cats who were not adoptable for one 
reason or another. They are an aging group of cats. Occasionally I would take 
in a FeLv+ cat to see if he or she would turn negative and most of them did. 
The ones who did not went on to people who understood FeLV and were willing to 
give the cat a chance at life. 

Now I do have a problem. With  this white and spotted stray, who has wonderful 
possibilities for being adopted, I do not have an isolation room. Every room in 
my house has some type of regular cat or problem group(one eyed FIV cats and 
cats who were losing weight and need extra nutrition). 

Is there anyone on the list who lives in the San Antonio/Austin area or any 
small town in this area who can foster the white cat to see if he overcomes the 
virus? He has no symptoms except he eats like a pig and is underweight, 
possibly from being an outside stray. I had a foster home for him but they are 
not going to take a leukemia positive cat and my other two homes who do accept 
leukemia  cats are over their limit already with cats who did not turn.
Thanks for any help anyone can give. I do want this lovely little cat to have a 
chance at a good life.

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