I reached out to the only rescuer I know in TX but no joy. Sorry
On Jan 18, 2015, at 3:26 AM, Lee Evans wrote:

> I was given this stray by a person with whom I used to do rescue. I am now 
> out of the rescue business and have over 30 cats who were not adoptable for 
> one reason or another. They are an aging group of cats. Occasionally I would 
> take in a FeLv+ cat to see if he or she would turn negative and most of them 
> did. The ones who did not went on to people who understood FeLV and were 
> willing to give the cat a chance at life. 
> Now I do have a problem. With  this white and spotted stray, who has 
> wonderful possibilities for being adopted, I do not have an isolation room. 
> Every room in my house has some type of regular cat or problem group(one eyed 
> FIV cats and cats who were losing weight and need extra nutrition). 
> Is there anyone on the list who lives in the San Antonio/Austin area or any 
> small town in this area who can foster the white cat to see if he overcomes 
> the virus? He has no symptoms except he eats like a pig and is underweight, 
> possibly from being an outside stray. I had a foster home for him but they 
> are not going to take a leukemia positive cat and my other two homes who do 
> accept leukemia  cats are over their limit already with cats who did not turn.
> Thanks for any help anyone can give. I do want this lovely little cat to have 
> a chance at a good life.
> Lee
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