Milkdud had an occasional episode like that, but of course never at the vet's. He always sounded fine at the vet, nothing heard on stethoscope, blood work good, so it was just left to observation at home to see if it got worse. It was pretty much the same over 4 years, just an occasional episode.


On 1/20/2015 8:32 AM, Katherine K. wrote:
Hi everyone,

I wanted to get your thoughts on a video of Krammer wheezing. He is 12, has had FeLV for the past 1.5 years. The wheezing has been a chronic issue for the past year or so, and I've posted about it before, it's usually caused by a case of pneumonia (which my vet tells me is rare in cats, but he gets it a lot). On bad days he has a noisy, gurgly purr, frequent swallowing, and wheezing spells once or twice a day that last for about 30-60 seconds. Eventually the gurgles and swallowing will clear up, and he'll only have an occasional wheezing spell. He had an ultrasound/echocardiogram about 6 months ago, and an xray last month of his lungs which showed the small spot of pneumonia, and he took an antibiotic, which helped some.

This weekend his right eye got infected, with green discharge. He's had uveitis (one pupil smaller than the other) before, but not in awhile. I've been giving him Neomycin/Polymyxin gel since Sunday. He gets an LTCI injection (an immune booster) once a month, but I think I'll give him another one today. Does anyone else use LTCI?

Going to check with my vet too, but wanted to see what the listserv had to say. Here's the wheezing video:

He's been sleeping a lot the past 2 days, but still has an appetite.


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