What symptoms did he have that led you to have him tested?


On 1/20/2015 9:39 AM, Katherine K. wrote:
He hasn't always had the wheezing. He tested negative for FeLV before I started fostering kittens several years ago. I fostered one kitten who was light positive and eventually turned negative. They were separated at first, and only interacted after the kitten turned negative. When Krammer tested positive, I had been fostering a litter and their mama. Mama had tested negative, so everyone was interacting. I got the mama and her litter when they were 2 weeks old. The kittens were about 3.5 months old when Krammer became ill. I tested him and he came back positive. The kittens were all positive too, and have since died. Mama cat got retested (neg), adopted out and is doing fine. So either they got it from their dad, and passed it on to Krammer, or he had a latent infection that just showed up while I had them, and he gave it to them. It's hard to know. We retested most of the kittens I had fostered before the positive litter (they had been adopted out, so we contacted the adopters and offered retesting for free) -- None of them came back positive.

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