Well, it has been over a month and Merlin still has a cold.  He has no
ocular or nasal involvement.  He has sneezing and congestion.  When I took
him to the vet in my new location, he diagnosed him with a mouth tumor.
Also gave him antibiotics.  I took him back for surgery a week later. I
called that am and told them he was still symptomatic and asked if they
wanted me to bring him in and they said yes because they thought the tumor
may be contributing to his breathing problem.

I contacted the holistic vet up here and they gave me an estimate of $600.
The office visit is $200, which I actually get because they give you an
entire hour.  Then they want to run a URI panel, which is another $200, and
then some other test which I can't remember.  Merlin is worth any amount of
money to me, but I do have other cats and I just have a problem spending
$600 on a cold when either he or they may need something more urgently
later and if I have already spent money I will not have the money then.

So I called my old holistic vet, who I dearly love.  I told her what this
vet wanted to do, and she asked who the vet was, I told her, she said she
knew of her but did not know her.   So she said the URI panel will tell
what is causing the URI, but as he has had antibiotics additional
antibiotics are not going to help, so it is likely the URI panel will tell
us the cause is viral, in which case antibiotics were never indicated to
begin with and there is no cure for a virus.  So that's basically a waste
of $200.  That concerns me.  My old vet didn't come right out and say it
but I don't think she is pleased with this vet.  She doesn't think Merlin
should have been under anaesthesia a week after tx for a cold.  Also the
vet apparently gave him 2 doses of Revolution a week apart.  He did not
tell me or charge me for the last one but it is in his chart.  Also he took
2 teeth out and did not tell me.  So, does he need a dental?  If so I would
have highly preferred them to call and ask to do it while he was already

My holistic vet wants him to be on Natrum Muriaticum, which I looked up and
it is table salt.  At least if that is a waste of money it will be a waste
of .88.  Also wants him nebulized with saline, and on a raw diet which I am
lagging badly in having him on.

By the way, I am not getting anyone's initial posts here.  Sometimes I get
the follow ups.  No way to tell if I am getting them all.

Kelley, Merlin, and Coco.
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