Thanks Margo.  I expect Dr Garden would be best, but I am just highly
uncomfortable with spending $600 on a cold.  Then if someone God forbid
breaks their leg or something in the middle of the night I'm screwed.  I
will ask Dr Smith about this.

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:45 PM, Margo <>

>  Kelley,
>                 Sorry this has been so frustrating. I want to comment o
> one particular statement;
> "it is likely the URI panel will tell
> us the cause is viral, in which case antibiotics were never indicated to
> begin with and there is no cure for a virus."
>                  That's not entirely true. The panel might target which
> antibiotic would actually work if it's a secondary bacterial infection.
> But, it IS more likely that it was basically viral. I know you said you
> love this Vet, but perhaps she's not familiar with the use of famciclovir
> inn cats with URI's. It doesn't work with anything but herpes, but since
> that is a frequent cause of URI in cats, it's certainly worth a shot. I've
> had very good results with it, and it has become one of my first lines of
> defense for my FeLV babies. If they sniffle or sneeze more than 24 hours,
> they start on it.
> This article addresses t's use in Herpes, focusing on the ocular aspect,
> but dosing is discussed, and the URI  connection;
> This covers a study with URIs as well as ocular and dermatitis...
> Maybe someone will let you try it.
> HTH,
> Margo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelley S
> Sent: Jan 21, 2015 7:23 PM
> To: felvtalk
> Subject: [Felvtalk] So frustrated
> Well, it has been over a month and Merlin still has a cold. He has no
> ocular or nasal involvement. He has sneezing and congestion. When I took
> him to the vet in my new location, he diagnosed him with a mouth tumor.
> Also gave him antibiotics. I took him back for surgery a week later. I
> called that am and told them he was still symptomatic and asked if they
> wanted me to bring him in and they said yes because they thought the tumor
> may be contributing to his breathing problem.
> I contacted the holistic vet up here and they gave me an estimate of $600.
> The office visit is $200, which I actually get because they give you an
> entire hour. Then they want to run a URI panel, which is another $200, and
> then some other test which I can't remember. Merlin is worth any amount of
> money to me, but I do have other cats and I just have a problem spending
> $600 on a cold when either he or they may need something more urgently
> later and if I have already spent money I will not have the money then.
> So I called my old holistic vet, who I dearly love. I told her what this
> vet wanted to do, and she asked who the vet was, I told her, she said she
> knew of her but did not know her. So she said the URI panel will tell
> what is causing the URI, but as he has had antibiotics additional
> antibiotics are not going to help, so it is likely the URI panel will tell
> us the cause is viral, in which case antibiotics were never indicated to
> begin with and there is no cure for a virus. So that's basically a waste
> of $200. That concerns me. My old vet didn't come right out and say it
> but I don't think she is pleased with this vet. She doesn't think Merlin
> should have been under anaesthesia a week after tx for a cold. Also the
> vet apparently gave him 2 doses of Revolution a week apart. He did not
> tell me or charge me for the last one but it is in his chart. Also he took
> 2 teeth out and did not tell me. So, does he need a dental? If so I would
> have highly preferred them to call and ask to do it while he was already
> under.
> My holistic vet wants him to be on Natrum Muriaticum, which I looked up and
> it is table salt. At least if that is a waste of money it will be a waste
> of .88. Also wants him nebulized with saline, and on a raw diet which I am
> lagging badly in having him on.
> By the way, I am not getting anyone's initial posts here. Sometimes I get
> the follow ups. No way to tell if I am getting them all.
> Kelley, Merlin, and Coco.
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