My cat Yang had a pcv of 13 and it does over night and she had a fever then
her temp dropped below normal, she was jaundiced. she was dying and was
felv + so we put her down while we held her.  I hope yours has a better
On Feb 27, 2015 3:42 PM, "Belinda" <> wrote:

>  PS.  Bailey was diagnosed at 5 months old, he was 11 years old when I
> lost him.
> On 2/27/2015 12:21 PM, Katherine K. wrote:
>  On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 3:00 PM, N. E. Juskowich <>
> wrote:
>> Time is of the essence for us and I need to know if there's something
>> else that can be done for my sweet little just-turned-one-year-old boy.  He
>> had a PCV of 12% and received a blood transfusion, his PCV went up a
>> little, then back down, then up to 17% over the course of 24 hours.  He was
>> put on 7.5 mg. prednisone, 25 mg. mycophenolate, 18.75 mg. plavix (to
>> prevent clots from the pred/mycophenolate combo), 25 mg. doxycycline (in
>> case of mycoplasma infection), and 5 mg. famotidine to prevent GI issues
>> from the pred.
>>  His anemia is currently non-regenerative with two most likely potential
>> causes: he was agglutination positive, a sign of immune mediated red blood
>> cell destruction; he may have leukemia in the marrow.  We did not do a bone
>> marrow aspirate because cancer would be too advanced at this stage, the
>> severe anemia indicating this to be the case.  The doctor said it could
>> take a few days of immunosuppressant therapy for the bone marrow to
>> respond.
>>  Two days after the PCV of 17% we had a recheck and it is now down to
>> 14%.  He is going to receive another transfusion.
>>  I need to know as quickly as possible: Is there anything else that can
>> be done at this stage?  I was looking into treatment with TCyte (LTCI), but
>> my vet said it would be a waste of time and money.  I'd read on a forum
>> that a severely anemic felv kitty responded very well to the drug and I
>> would've been willing to give it a shot.  My vet is of the opinion that I
>> should not have bothered with this second transfusion (he had to go to
>> emergency hospital for it) and the TCyte is "hogwash".  I'm sitting here
>> feeling hopeless and wondering if this really is the end and what do I do
>> now if he doesn't respond to the transfusion.
>>  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  No sugar coating necessary,
>> but please be gentle.  If nothing can be done, what can I do for him to
>> keep him happy and comfortable?  Will he need euthanized or will he pass
>> peacefully?
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> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats and Emma 
> ...
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