I have lost several leukemia positives to non-regenerative anemia. In my 
experience, when all other causes of anemia had been ruled out (including 
Hemobart), I was unable to find anything that stopped the progression. That 
said, I never lost hope for a miracle. I hope you have a different outcome. I 
watched mine closely as the hematocrit dropped and when I knew it was time, I 
took them to the vet. I didn't let them pass on their own as a very low 
hematocrit makes it difficult to carry oxygen and I didn't want them to suffer. 
It was very clear to us when it was time with each one. Each cat is so 
different and it is such a personal decision.

My 2 cents, rule out all other causes of anemia. If truly non-regenerative, 
enjoy every minute with the kitty! Best wishes for your kitty.


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