Did Smoosh and Buffcat like to wrestle? Harley missed that a lot when Milkdud passed. I think Harley was glad for Brock to join him a few months after being all alone, but he was disappointed that Brock wouldn't wrestle with him. They became cordial roommates, but not snuggle buddies. There was a little bit of rivalry for my attention, but they learned to take turns. My heart and soul kitty GabbyTabby, passed in October 2013. Well, one of them. Angus, Ching, Saki, O.J. are all contenders for that title too...and Harley & Milkdud together....and, and....


On 5/16/2015 11:47 AM, Jennifer Lewis wrote:
I am so sorry Marsha. I hope that he is with my FeLV Smoosh (We lost her at 14 
months in July) and my heart and soul kitty Buffcat (CRF) who crossed last week 
after being the best friend I have ever known for over 17 years.


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