Hey folks

Coco went through a bad time last year where she would not eat, dropped a
lot of weight.  We got her started eating again and she has gained 1/2
pound - from 6.0 to 6.5 (she is a small cat, but I'd rather see her at 7).

Anyway, she is now sneezing blood.  I took her in to the vet Saturday and
he tried one antibiotic, took her back on Wed and he gave her another
antibiotic, which I am probably going to have to go rebuy tomorrow as I've
managed to lose the bottle.

Anyway - she is now sneezing blood and has a very little bit of dried
matter in the corners of her eyes.  She is eating, drinking, pottying,
playing fine.  But she is still sneezing blood - sometimes a fine spray and
sometimes hunks of bloody mucus which is very unnerving.

Has anyone had to deal with this?

Kelley and Coco
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