Terri,  I saw this post and am praying for your little Michael!  Can they start 
him on Aranesp (darbepoetin) or Epogen, or even Winstrol (which I think has 
been mentioned here before?).  I know with Aranesp, you give the shot 1 time a 
week and when it is within normal range, begin to space out the injections to 
find the right dose to  hold it in that normal range.  Epogen is given 3 times 
a week and when in normal range, one dosage is skipped and they search for that 
perfect dosage.  

Could you get a copy of that most recent blood work as I can read blood work 
and am wondering if anything else is off. IF so, once it is treated, things may 
go back into place with other levels.  This is what happened to my baby Kit.  I 
immediately put her on Rx Vitamins for Pets ~ Liquid Immuno.  Also she was put 
on antibiotics for fever and infection.  I really would like to see the blood 
work.  If you want, you can send to me privately at gidge...@aol.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Terri <tkmoo...@gmail.com>
To: felvtalk <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2017 6:52 pm
Subject: [Felvtalk] Michael's last hope

Hi everyone.
My little boy Michael is 3 and was diagnosed just over a week ago. I noticed he 
had lost weight and wasn’t quite himself but nothing major, or so I thought. I 
got him as a stray kitten, had him tested – he was negative for felv, and 
vaccinated him every year.
On Fri 30 Dec I took him to the vet, she did blood tests to check what could be 
wrong with him and told me that when he came up positive she didn’t do any 
further tests. She said he was anemic and prescribed cortisone every day and 
vitamin B shots every week for 4 weeks. I asked what his lifespan would be and 
she told me not very long and that there was nothing else we could do except a 
blood transfusion at some stage.
After coming home from a new years eve party I found him limping and he would 
not stop moaning, I gave him an anti inflammatory that he had been given for a 
previous leg injury hoping it would help until morning when a vet opened. It 
helped his leg but he started moaning again 2 hours later. I finally found a 
vet that could help on new years day. I told the vet about his history and what 
had happened earlier that morning, by this time his leg was fine so the vet 
gave him a strong pain killer thinking he was moaning in pain and told me to 
bring him back later if it didn’t help. I took him back where a different vet 
saw him, he did blood tests and the results were terrible, he also felt that he 
had some sort of neurological issue so he had to be admitted to hospital. His 
platelet and red blood cell count was extremely low and he was not responding 
to treatment, I made the decision for him to have a blood transfusion which he 
received on 3 Jan Tuesday evening. I fetched him on Wednesday and had him 
tested again on the Friday, his results were still better but there was no sign 
of his body regenerating. On the weekend he just seemed to improve so much, is 
appetite was back and he had interest in playing like his old self again, but 
Monday’s results did not reflect his behavior. His body was not regenerating 
and his counts had dropped slightly.
My next step is blood tests and decisions on Friday. I am devastated and don’t 
know if there is anything else that we can do. If anyone can give any advice or 
suggestions I would really appreciate it. At the moment he is on Baytril and a 
nutritional tonic.
Kind regards,
Terri Knight
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