So my last email I sent a few days ago didn't seem to go through as it
needed to be moderated due to its size. I attached a pic of the blood test
results which clearly the system didn't like. This was my email:


So Michael was first put on Epo a few weeks ago due to the suggestions of
specialists that my vet contacted, he was not on it for long as the vet
could see it was not working. I then organized to get Winstrol for him, he
started it on 1 February but due to his blood count being super low he had
to have a second transfusion on 3 February to give the Winstrol a chance to
work. He is still on Doxy as far as I know and cortisone. He visited the
vet yesterday (14 Feb) with this update: his red blood cells are still
dropping, but his platelets are up and the vet said he had a bit more
colour in his mouth and tongue, he has lost a bit more weight and was
running a slight temperature so his medrol (not sure what that is) was
upped for 3 days, back to the vet on 17 Feb. So kind of mixed results but
still not looking good with the red blood cell production.

Unfortunately his latest test results shows a decline again, his red blood
cells went from 10.42% on Tuesday to 8.18% on Friday and there is nothing
more that can be done. At his current rate of decline he will reach
critical levels by Monday.

My parents and I (but mostly my parents since I'm on the other side of the
world) have to make a heartbreaking decision of when it's time for Mikey.
The vet says that when he reaches 6% he will be feeling terrible and to add
to this he has no more energy he just lies down in one spot all the time.

It is with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I have accept his fate
on top of being so far away from him.


On 22 Jan 2017 09:49, "Amani Oakley" <> wrote:

I probably can’t attach the actual papers regarding the use of Stanazolol
(Winstrol) in osteoporosis, but the title of one of the papers is: *Stanozolol
in postmenopausal osteoporosis: therapeutic efficacy and possible
mechanisms of action.*

Here is the abstract of the paper:

*To assess the efficacy of the anabolic steroid stanozolol in the treatment
of osteoporosis, a 29-month double-blind study was performed with 23
treated and 23 control postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Drug efficacy was
assessed by serial determinations of total body calcium (TBC--total bone
mass) by neutron activation analysis, regional bone mass (RBM) by
single-photon absorptiometry, and by spinal roentgenograms. Total body
calcium increased 4.4% from baseline values (P less than 0.01) in the
treated group and remained unchanged in the control group; the difference
in the change in TBC between the treated and control groups was significant
(P less than 0.03). The effect of the drug on TBC persisted throughout the
29-month period. In contrast to TBC, measurements of RBM indicated no
significant differences between the treated and placebo groups, suggesting
a possible differential response to therapy at various skeletal sites. No
new spinal compression fractures were noted in the treated group (compared
with three new fractures in the control group). Assessment of serum and
urine values indicated a decrease in the level of urinary calcium and an
increase in the level of total urinary cyclic AMP in the treated group.
These changes were observed even though the level of serum iPTH was
significantly decreased during the study. An analysis of changes in bone
biopsy specimens revealed no significant differences between the treated
and control groups. Seventy-six percent of the treated subjects developed
SGOT elevations or other side effects from the stanozolol therapy; at no
time were these effects sufficiently severe to cause termination of
medication. The data suggest that long-term use of stanozolol increases the
net total bone mass above pretreatment levels.*


*From:* Felvtalk [] *On Behalf Of
*Terri Knight

*Sent:* January-21-17 1:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] Michael's last hope

So an update.

I had to leave to start working in South Korea without my baby Mike, but I
left him in my parents capable hands. They have done a great job and
Michael's vet has been great with doing research and getting new options
from specialists.

I spoke to my vet about Amani's advice and he explained what those drugs
were for and what we were doing already, Michael is in South Africa so we
don't always get the same drugs or they have different names.

He was already on a cortisone injection which was a better option than the
tablet form (until he improves), he was more than willing to give Michael
the anabolic steroid but said that it doesn't actually do anything for
production of anything in the bone marrow it is to help with appetite, and
he was already on Baytril which was similar to Doxycycline but without the
common side effect of nausea. He did change him to Doxy with strict
instructions to give it to him with food and watch his reaction to it.

Just before I left Michael went for blood count again and was still
steadily dropping, the vet got got hold of specialists but no good news.
After I left my dad told me our vet spoke to more specialists and we had a
new option. He gets an injection every few days and the vet said we should
see where it will lead by Monday. I'm not sure what the new meds are but my
mom has joined this mailing list and my dad will soon too. I told the to
keep this platform updated and I will too.


On 12 Jan 2017 07:24, <> wrote:

when i had cncer, they gave me epogen.  i had a reaction to it and they

---- wrote:
> Terri,  I saw this post and am praying for your little Michael!  Can they
start him on Aranesp (darbepoetin) or Epogen, or even Winstrol (which I
think has been mentioned here before?).  I know with Aranesp, you give the
shot 1 time a week and when it is within normal range, begin to space out
the injections to find the right dose to  hold it in that normal range.
Epogen is given 3 times a week and when in normal range, one dosage is
skipped and they search for that perfect dosage.
> Could you get a copy of that most recent blood work as I can read blood
work and am wondering if anything else is off. IF so, once it is treated,
things may go back into place with other levels.  This is what happened to
my baby Kit.  I immediately put her on Rx Vitamins for Pets ~ Liquid
Immuno.  Also she was put on antibiotics for fever and infection.  I really
would like to see the blood work.  If you want, you can send to me
privately at
> Nancy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terri <>
> To: felvtalk <>
> Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2017 6:52 pm
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Michael's last hope
> Hi everyone.
> My little boy Michael is 3 and was diagnosed just over a week ago. I
noticed he had lost weight and wasn’t quite himself but nothing major, or
so I thought. I got him as a stray kitten, had him tested – he was negative
for felv, and vaccinated him every year.
> On Fri 30 Dec I took him to the vet, she did blood tests to check what
could be wrong with him and told me that when he came up positive she
didn’t do any further tests. She said he was anemic and prescribed
cortisone every day and vitamin B shots every week for 4 weeks. I asked
what his lifespan would be and she told me not very long and that there was
nothing else we could do except a blood transfusion at some stage.
> After coming home from a new years eve party I found him limping and he
would not stop moaning, I gave him an anti inflammatory that he had been
given for a previous leg injury hoping it would help until morning when a
vet opened. It helped his leg but he started moaning again 2 hours later. I
finally found a vet that could help on new years day. I told the vet about
his history and what had happened earlier that morning, by this time his
leg was fine so the vet gave him a strong pain killer thinking he was
moaning in pain and told me to bring him back later if it didn’t help. I
took him back where a different vet saw him, he did blood tests and the
results were terrible, he also felt that he had some sort of neurological
issue so he had to be admitted to hospital. His platelet and red blood cell
count was extremely low and he was not responding to treatment, I made the
decision for him to have a blood transfusion which he received on 3 Jan
Tuesday evening. I fetched him on Wednesday and had him tested again on the
Friday, his results were still better but there was no sign of his body
regenerating. On the weekend he just seemed to improve so much, is appetite
was back and he had interest in playing like his old self again, but
Monday’s results did not reflect his behavior. His body was not
regenerating and his counts had dropped slightly.
> My next step is blood tests and decisions on Friday. I am devastated and
don’t know if there is anything else that we can do. If anyone can give any
advice or suggestions I would really appreciate it. At the moment he is on
Baytril and a nutritional tonic.
> Kind regards,
> Terri Knight
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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