How wonderful that you and Simon are having this good time together!!  I will keep you both in my prayers.  Susan

Someone must be praying, because Simon is having a really good morning. He
is perky, to the point of tormenting Quincy, my negative, by sharpening his
claws on the barrier separating them and trying to get into Quincy's side of the
house. And he practically climbed on top of me when I opened the bag of roast
beef deli slices this morning. And he is drinking a lot more, and coming
upstairs when I am upstairs, and even climbed onto my lap and onto the desk and
computer keyboard. he is eating treats that he has refused for days. I am
starting to think that the depomedrol shots, long-term steroid shots that he has
gotten twice now, take four days to kick in. The last week he got it on a
Friday and started acting better on Tuesday night. Then last weekend I gave it to
him on Sat morning and he is now acting better on Wed morning.
Unfortu! nately, the effects only seem to last for 3 days or so and then he needs the short
term dex steroids to carry him over. But I am so grateful, and it is so
wonderful, to see him feeling better. He even just played a little bit with me with
a piece of string and is looking wide-eyed out the window. He also hardly
looks yellow at all, if at all. Though he is still pale and, I am sure, very

I share all the bad stuff so i wanted to share this with you too. He is
still in the woods, deep deep in the woods, so please do not stop praying for him
and sending him energy.


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