In a message dated 1/20/2005 10:07:53 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Simon has been perky and energetic all day so far, and ate some dry food in addition to his staples of roast beef, sour cream, and liver shake.  he is jumping on things, walking around a lot, and in very good spirits. He even looks to me like he has gained a little weight back.  This all makes me very happy, though I am always aware that it is probably short-lived and just from the steroids. I am hoping against hope that it is at least partially the CCNU doing something for him that might continue for a while, but the timing of it seems to suggest it is the Depomedrol.  At any rate, every happy day is a happy day, and I am glad that he is having it.  Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
Yay!! I'm so glad Simon is doing good and eating for you. You guys are still in my thoughts and prayers!

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