Dearest Terrie,
My husband just looked over at my face and said, "This is why I try to get you away from that list!".  I'm so sorry your Smokey is failing.  It's always so hard to face, the hardest thing about having and loving animals, is they don't live as long as we do.  Russian Blues are so beautiful.  I can tell what a wonderful friendship you two share. Oh Terrie, down to 6 pounds!  I'm so sorry.  

You mentioned that the other cats want to get in his crate with him.  Does Smokey not want them in there?  Maybe he'd like to cuddle with them?  You go ahead and cry, let it out, it might help ease some stress, know that you are not alone in shedding tears for your top cat.  Please give him a hug and a kiss for me.  I'm thinking about you and sending you all my love.

Hi all,
    I write this with a heavy heart and trying to keep from crying but it's hard. My eyes are blurry.
My 19yr old Smokey (Russian Blue) health is starting to fail I've had him since he was a baby. He was a rescue from Irving, TX. He is negative for FELV. His health has been declining for the past month now.
He is starting to not make it to his litterbox now due to being weak.
His appetite is decreasing. I have been giving him supplements and whatever he wants to eat at all times. He is still eating and drinking some not enough food. I've tried force feeding him but he will gag almost throw up. He has always been a heavy water drinker so it's not his kidneys been checked out for that prior.
His vision also is declining. His eyes are cloudy.
He has drop from 23 pounds to 6 pounds now. He is having problems walking and I'm afraid by placing him on the furniture or beds he will break one of his legs.
My Vets noted that he would be much happier at home and be stress free. They said that his body is old/tired and wouldn't be able to stand any treatments. My husband and I been talking that we want him to pass on here at home. My husband thinks he won't make it past the weekend. I will be putting him in one of my nice open crates in a bit to confine him but still be in the room with us. By doing so his food/water/litterbox will be right there with him. Let him come out whenever he wants when we are present. It makes it hard when I have other kitties roaming they think it's okay to go into the crate.
Smokey doesn't appear to be in pain just weak and tired. He is doing alot of sleeping. His body is just worn out. He has seen alot of kitties come and go positives/negatives. He is the "Boss Man" as my husband puts it. Now he is stepping down to let the next oldest to take over.
I ask for all your thoughts, vibes, and prayers for a safe and quiet passing for my Smokey if this should be his time.
Thanks to a wonderful and caring group of people!



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